True feelings revealed!

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Y/N's POV:
~Justin can enjoy his time with Chantal while im out with ma girls.

Justin's POV:
~Now I really need to be with my girl more..


Y/N's POV:

After hours of walking and shopping we decided it was time to head back to venue. I actually had a good time with Selena and Taylor they aren't bad when you get to know them.

We said our goodbyes and I stepped inside the bus. It was pretty quiet but I heard small snores in the distance. I walked further into the bus and quietly opened the door.

I looked inside and to my surprise the s snores were coming from Justin. He still had the same clothes he wore when he went to rehearsal.

I quietly tip toad to him and sat next to him.

I shook him and carefully and slowly he started waking up.

"Baby how come your here sleeping ?" I asked him.

"I came to get you so you go out with us but when I saw you weren't here and I realized you went out with Selena and Taylor I wasn't really in the mood to leave with out you so I decided to wait for you but I guess I fell asleep." He explained now fully awake and fixing his hair.

"Aww you should have gone with everyone I bet you would have had a great time especially with Chantel. You wouldn't have missed me when you have her." I told him and stood up.

"Y/N stop." Justin said but I kept walking.
I was about to walk out of the room but I was pulled by my arm into Justin's chest.

"I'm gonna take a guess you don't like Chantel or me hanging around her." Justin said and sighed.

"It's not that I don't like you hanging around her it's just that I don't trust her. I trust you obviously. But it's just that ever since you invited her on tour you have been giving me the cold shoulder and so has everyone else. Not even my two best friends have come to talk to me in over 2 days. " I was in tears by the time I stopped talking.

Justin kept hugging me tighter and tighter with every tear I shed.

"Y/N don't ever think- don't let it EVER cross your mind that I would ever like Chantel the way I love you. Your the one girl I ever want to be with and there is no one else I could ever think of replacing you with." Justin said and started kissing my tears away making me giggle.

'Aww's were heard loudly all of a sudden from behind us which made Justin and I jump in surprise.

We turned around and everyone from the crew was surrounding the door. Some were with teary eyes and others with a smile on there faces. My eyes connected with Chantels and if eyes could kill I would have been dead a while ago. She looked so mad it was as if you could see the flames of anger rise up from her.
Her facial expression changed all of a sudden to the happy go lucky girl and was the first one out of everyone to walk towards us.

"Aw you guys are the cutest things ever." She said and went to hug me.

She abruptly pulled on my hair and I screamed in pain.

"What the fuck was that for you bitch." I spat in her face.
I had my hand placed in my head because it was starting to hurt.

"What are you talking about. I only went to give you a hug." She said as innocently as possible.

I looked at justin and he looked as angry as I did. He obviously saw what she did and then she tried to play it cool.

"Chantel." Justin said breathing in deep breaths of air obviously trying to calm himself down and not punch someone especially her.

"Yes Justin." She said battling her stupid little fake eye lashes of hers.

"Don't you think you should apologize for what you just did to MY girlfriend." He said trying not to pop.

"What should I apologize for. I didn't to anything to this skank." She spat in my face and that's all it took for me to punch her straight in the face.
She dropped to the floor and held her face.

Everyone was in shock and there jaws dropped down.
I looked at Justin and he was as surprised as everyone else.

"1. Don't EVER in your dear old slutty life a skank. 2.stop being such a pussy and admit the things you do. 3.Justin is MY boyfriend so stop trying to flirt your way to him; he only has eyes for me." I told her and her face flushed with anger and embarrassment.

I turned to Justin and looked straight at him.

"Either you kick her out of the bus or even the tour which would be much better for everyone or I leave." I told him and his face drained of color.

"Y/N.." He said.

"Justin.." I answered him.
He stayed silent.

"Chantel I think it's time for you to leave." Justin said looking straight at my eyes.

"Are you literal right now Justin." Chantel exclaimed.

"Chantel I'm sorry." Justin said looking at the floor.

She scoffed and walked right up to me.

"Your a little slutty bitch you know that right." She said and walked out of the bus.

I looked at Justin and he looked like he seriously wanted to go after her. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Go Justin." I told him and everyone had shocked looks.

"What are you talking about." He said taken back.

"Justin it's pretty damn obvious you want to go after her." I told him.

"Thank you baby. This is why I love you with my heart. I promise I will make this up to you." He said and practically ran out of the room.

"Why did you let him do that?" Rebecca Asked.

"Because he's my boyfriend and I have faith and trust in him." I said and walked out with everyone walking out behind me to the front of the bus.

~I truly love Justin and those are my true feelings for him.
Authors note:
Hey guys ! It's such a short chapter and I'm sorry. I just finished my exams and my mind is like blocked.

So what did you think about the chapter besides how short it is ?

Votes: 185+
Comments: 55+


Question for the chapter:
Should Chantel leave tour ?

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