Everything's Ruined...

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This seriously can't be happening!


Y/N's POV:

When I thought today couldnt get any better my stupid phone needed to receive that stupid call. I was sitting with Justin having frozen yogurt when my phone rings and it's my next door neighbor Ms.Valencia. I answered quickly becaue she only calls me when its an emergency. 

Phone Convo: 

Y/N~ Hello.

Ms.Valencia~ Oh my god Y/N thank goodness you picked up the phone. You need to hurry to your apartment it caught on fire and nobody knows how. The whole building is alomst in flames. 


Ms.Valencia~ Sweetie you just need to come and as quickly as possible. 

Y/N~I'm on my way.

End phone Convo~

Great now i am panicking. 

I hurridly collected all my things and was ready to leave when Justin spoke up after choking with his yogurt. 

''Are you ok?'' He managed to say after he recomposed himself a bit 

''No, yes, no I dont know I just have to go.'' I am nervouse. 

''Do you need my help?'' You can see the worry in his eyes as he looked at me.

''No, no im fine  just really need to go its an Emergency .'' I said out of breath. 

I hurridly made my way through the busy mall looking for the nearest exit. I was far away from where I used to be but I swore I faintly heard someone scream which im pretty sure was Justin. But I was too much in a hurry to look back and never the less answer him.


Wow. What a cinerella story. 

~15 minutes later~

I made it back to what seemed my place in 15 minutes it usualy takes me 30 minutes but i was speeding. I did get stopped by the police because that same reason but after explaining to him it was a life or death situation the kind man gladly escorted me to my apartment making it easier to get home or what's left of it. 

I am currently seated in my car watching as the fire fighters take out the flames from the building. Its horrid. 

I finally got the strength to leave my car and walk towards Mr. and Mrs.Valencia who were franticly looking towards whats left of the burning building. 


She turned around and as soon as her eyes landed on me she left her husbands embrance and made her way towards me embracing me in a tight yet warming hug. 

''ohh sweetie. I am soo sorry with whats happening.'' 

''Its ok. Do they know what caused the fire?'' I asked looking at her after we pulled apart. 

''They think it was a leak but it doesnt really make sense. My huband and I dont beive that one bit because if it was truly a as leak then the place would have epxloded and not caught on fire.'' 

''Who called the police and fire fighters?'' 

''Actually it was me. I had just finished taking a shower and when I leaned on the wall that is connected to your apartment I felt a slight burn and when i touched it again the whole wall infact was burnig hot. I immedietly got dressed and went outside and saw smoke coming from under your door. I rushed to the end of the hallway and pulled the fire alarm and then ran back to call my husband. After that i quickly knocked on al the doors and explained what was happening and we all helped everyone get out safely through the back doors of the bulding.''

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