Chantel and the Girls

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~I truly have the most amazing girlfriend ever, and she's forever mine.


Y/N's POV:

It' been 2 months since Justin asked me to be his girlfriend and let me tell you one thing; I haven't been this happy in years. Yea, it may sound cheesy and what ever but honestly I think Justin is the one. But I'm a bit worried for our relationship. Okay. So let me start explaining why I'm worried. So Justin has been introducing me to a lot of his friend lately whenever we arrive at a city that they live in. To be honest some of his friends scared me and I don't think the best of them but they make Justin happy and some of them were actually really nice. But recently we went to Miami and Justin introduced me to one of is 'girl friends' and simple as it is I don't like her. I think she's a slut and uses her body and huge ass lips to attract guys. And guess what?!?!?!?! Justin asked her to join the tour.

I don't specifically hate her but I despise her immensely. Justin hasn't been as lovable and cute as he used to be with me since she joined and I have a problem. For example, right now I am in the tour bus waiting for Justin to finish rehearsal because instead of Justin asking me to go and watch him he asked her. I was really pissed off but I didn't want to give him the pleaser of seeing me jealous instead when he asked me if it was okay with me I just played it smooth and agreed. He didn't ask me anything else and they all left to watch him so I'm alone in the bus. Krystal and Rebecca think Chantel is the ideal person to hang out with instead of with me. They also decided to tag along with them and leave me behind.

I'm on twitter in my laptop and some of the tweets from Justin's beliebers are pretty hilarious:

@Bieber_wife ~ Chantel is a horse. Simple as that.

@Justins_Babe ~ Y/N should give Chantel a knuckle sandwich and pop them fake lips.

@Belieber1 ~ Why do beliebers only see the real Chantel.

I find it adorable how Justin's Beliebers are always there for him and want the best for him like all the other people who love him. My stomach started to grumble signaling that im obviously hungry. I closed my apple laptop and put it aside and got out of bed.

I walked to the mini kitchen that the bus had and looked in the cabinets for the mac and cheese cups that you put in the microwave. As I was adding the water I heard a knock come form the bus door. I walked towards the bus door and saw it was Selena and Taylor. I'm pretty surprised they had the audacity to come and see me since they clearly knew I was here. I haven't really spoken to neither of them since Justin and I began as a couple.

I unlocked the door and let them inside.

''Hi'' I told them both.

''Hey.'' Selena and Taylor both said. We all fell into an awkward silence but I couldn't stand it. I despise those type of silences.

''What are you guys doing here?'' I asked as I walked back to the mini kitchen and put the mac and cheese into the microwave.

''We noticed how you weren't at Justin's rehearsal and it was pretty weird since you never miss his rehearsals and your always one of the first people there with him.'' Taylor told me which made me look anywhere but at them.

''We also noticed Chantel was there instead of you.'' Selena said. I sighed at her answer but remembered that we have never talked until now and why do they even care.

''Why do you both even care about me. The first impression you gave me Selena was that you were a little money lover queen bitch and Taylor you were just kissing Selena's ass.'' I told them both straight up.

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