Chapter six

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This time I'd take it... take the

Chance to take the world head on

Without fear. No longer will I run and

Hide. I'd rather fly with broken wings

Then to be a slave to mankind.

I choose not to be a coward or

A doormat to people. Listen to me...

And listen to me carefully. Read my lips if

You have to. I would willing take the chance on

Being myself and you will not be

There to dictate my path.

I will not allow myself to be forged

In your image. I will let my voice be

Heard. I won't be hiding in the shadows.

I won't let your words or your doings

Bring me down and I'll happily take the

Chance of moving forward.

Forget that I'll ever be your puppet... forgive

Me for not treating you as perfect as you

Believe you are. You're unnecessary dos and don'ts

Does not... I repeat does not add up on my ways

Of living. I will gladly take the chance of listening

To three people, which are me, myself and I.

Done be

Naledi, Philisiwe, Zama, Siyamthanda Cele

Naruto Pov

'Kurama's right, there is no need to feel trepidation, just because one person did me harm.' I thought as I went out my room. 'People are not the same. Yet at the same time, we're no different from each other. We just have different personalities and mind sets. Hiding from the world will do me no good.' I reached the bottom of the stairs as I turned to the living room to go get my phone, I saw Sasuke and took in his form.

He was wearing a black pair of skinny jeans together with a short sleeves t- shirt that hugged him quiet well if you ask me. He also had a red and black button up shirt tied around his waist and had on black Converse  Modrn. I do like the way his black eyes and spiky black hair with a blue tint, plays along with his smooth looking pale skin. He must have sensed me and turned to look at me.

Sasuke Pov

I sensed that there was someone behind me and turn to see Naruto and good God he looks sexy as always. He had on royal blue skinny jeans together with a white short sleeves t- shirt that showed off all his curves and he also had on black and white Converse. "Like what you see?" I asked with the all too famous Uchiha smirk playing across my face. "It depends! Is it supposed to be likable?" he shot back. I chuckled.

"You look rather resplendent today, but what can I expect when you know how to look amazing every day?" I said, he giggled and he blushed. "Why thank you for the compliment kind sir." He said with a giggle. "I must say, you look rather exquisite yourself! As always." I chuckled. "Classy aren't we? Shall we good sir?" I said, extending my arm towards him. He grabbed his phone from the coffee table, stuffing it in his back pocket and hooked his arm with mine with a beautiful smile on his face. "Yes! We shall." He said, I chuckled as he giggled.

"Aww, aren't the cute together Itachi?" said Kurama, as he and Itachi walked towards the front door. "Hmmm... Naruto can do better." Itachi teased and I sent him a death glare. Kurama lightly smacked him on the shoulder with a playful pout on his lips and walked out the door with Itachi. And with us not so far behind. "I had a match made in heaven and if everything turns out smoothly, they might end up together. And I still have to find Diedara a boyfriend of his own. So don't you judge my match making skills." Itachi locked the door and turned to a pouting Kurama. "I know, I'm sorry my little Kyu." He said and gave him a small kiss. We all went into Itachi's black Range Rover and headed to the movie theatres.

Time skip

That was the best scary movie I've ever seen. The best because Naruto kept holding on to me when a scary scene went on. I must thank the movie producer of 'The Conjuring', because I am never going to forget this day from now on. "Sasuke!" I heard an all too familiar voice call out my name. 'God, please no. What curse did I bring upon myself in my past life? If it's something bad, I'll do my very best to fix it. Just please, for the love of God... keep this crazy bitch away from me.' I mentally cried out. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from me Sakura?" I said coldly, but you know what the crazy bitch did, she giggled. 'Unbelievable, whoever's playing around with the doll version of me. Quiet it, it's not funny.'

"Silly Sasuke. You can't stay away from true love." She said. I pinched the bridge on my nose completely irritated with this girl. Her eyes fell upon Naruto and she glared at him. "Who are you and why are you holding on to MY SASUKE?" She walked over to him, slapped him and pushed him to the ground. I saw Itachi hold back Kurama. That was the last draw, it's one thing to be following me around and it's a whole different story for hurting what's mine. I slapped hard and she gasped with surprise. "Sasu-" "Listen here you bitch," I interrupted her and spoke my word as cold as ever. Every last bit of it was dripping with venom. "If you ever as so much try to lay another finger on MY NARUTO, you will regret the day you were born and there will be hell to pay." I said. She ran away with tears on her eyes. 'Tch, good reddens.'

I turned to Naruto and helped him up. "Are you ok?" I asked, with concern evident in my voice. "Yeah thank you." He said and did the most unexpected thing. He stood on his tippy toes and kissed me on my check. I froze, 'This means I'm one step closer to having all of Naruto to myself.' He smile at me and I smiled back. The day went pretty normal after that.

Sakura Pov

That Naruto guy thinks he could just walk right in and still my Sasuke from me. He obviously does not know Sakura Haruno.                 

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