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*Peeks behind the red curtain... grins and walks of to the stage* Hay you guys *ducks from a shoe that's been thrown to my head and glares* ok, who did that? You know what never mind... So sorry for this not being an update, but I was wondering... so listen up... or read... how would you guys feel if i write the final chapters... (mind the 's') over the weekend... since i have grade 12 to focus on. But I will return with a new story at the end of the year... and you could still tell me what you want to see before this book is over.

Don't worry, Gaara will come back on Naruto's 8 months of pregnancy and boy will it be drama... so tell me what you want to see before Friday.

Peace out dear readers 

Little bow (N.P.Z.S.C)

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