Chapter 12

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Naruto Pov

Blinking my eyes open, I slowly woke up to a dark room. I was feeling dizzy and tried to move only to find that I was tied up to a chair. I looked around frantically trying to figure out where I am. I heard the door open and in came a pink haired woman with a smile that made me feel sick to the bottom of my heart. "Finally... you're awake. I was beginning to get bored and thought you didn't want to play with me." She said pretending to be hurt and then giggled a psychotic giggle. "Wh- who are you?"

She smirked. "You forgot about me? I thought we were best buds! Maybe this would make you remember?" She brought a devise towards her lip. "Stay away from Sasuke or there will be hell to pay." She giggled. I looked at her with wide eyes. "Y- You..." "Yes me! My name is Sakura by the way. I know it's pointless telling you my name, since you're going to die. It's a sad shame and on our second meeting."

"All this for a guy that doesn't even care about you. Killing me won't solve anything, even if I'm dead or alive, Sasuke will still not give two flying fucks about you. So dream on." She sneered at me and pulled at my hair roughly. "Sasuke cares about me, I know that deep down inside he does. It's because of you that his confused. But I'll show him that I'm all he needs and that I'm just perfect for him." I hissed at the pain she was causing.

She let go and placed her hand around my neck, holding it tight and squeezing the air out of me. I tried to force off of me, but with my hands tied I was helpless. "But I won't kill you now. Where would the fun be in that? Oh I'm going to enjoy being the cause of your pain." She said and let go of my neck. I gasped for air and coughed a couple of time, trying so hard to get as much need air into my lungs. I looked to my side and saw a window and tried to scream for help, hoping that maybe somebody could hear me.

She laughed a little and pulled at my hair again. "Calling for help? And here I thought we were having fun... honestly I'm hurt, am I not doing this right? Maybe I could be a better host." She smiled wickedly at me. "Now tell me... what can I do to make your stay here more comfortable before you cross over to the other side?"

I kicked her leg as hard as I can, Sakura grunted and held me by the hair. "So... you want it like that, huh?" asked Sakura as she pulled my head back by the hair painfully. I hissed at the pain I felt. "Nice and rough?" She questioned and laughed.

I spat on her face. "You're lower than trash, do you honestly think that Sasuke is just going to love a bitch like you?" I shouted. "Did the hit you with a rock as a baby or is there someone lying to you giving you false hope. Tell them to stop lying will you!" Sakura became irritated as she wiped her face. Then she slapped hard across the face and added a couple of punches and kneed me on my stomach.

"Shut up," She screamed. "Like I told you before, the reason why Sasuke is so confused is because of you! You deceived him, but he loves me and once I do this world a favour and get rid of you, he'll see. He will see that he and I are perfect for each other. And then he'll marry me and we'll have a kid or two and we'll live happily ever after. Trust me the world will thank me for getting rid of you and if anyone tries to get in the way I'll kill them too." She giggled. "You're a sick twisted person you know that. I hope you burn in hell were you belong and tell the devil I said hi."

"Now why would you say that? The only that would burn in hell is you." She smirked, grabbed me by the chin and leaned towards my ear. "Welcome to the beginning of your nightmare." She whispered, leaned back and laughed.


Sasunaru- Matters of the heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora