Chapter 24

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Sasuke Pov

*7th month*

"Ah...mmm...S-Sasuke ah...r-right there" I smirked. "You like that, Naruto." "Ooh God yes...ah you have no idea how painful it is to be on your feet with these two kicking up a storm." (An: ncu, ncu, ncu, ncu, ncu readers I'm so disappointed in you. Lol XD) I finished rub his feet. "Ahh, that hits the spot." Realisation seemed to hit him about something. "What?" I asked.

"You know we haven't thought about names to call our kids." He said. "Hn. Do you have something in mind?" He looked thoughtful for a moment. His eyebrows farrowed as he thought about something. Moments later he beamed. "I know how about Miho and Saiko?" He clapped his hand.

I narrowed my eyes him. "We are not giving our kids those name." He pouted. "And why the hell not? I think it suits them perfectly. They are craze and they are always kick my insides, by the time they are born my insides will be black and blue." He huffed and turned his head to the side as he crossed his arms.

"What kind of children would cause pain to their mother? They don't love me." I shook my head at his antics. "Nonsense, they would worship the very ground you walk on like how I do." I smiled at him. "How about Daiki and Daisuke?" I asked. "Nice names, but your friends kind of ruined those names for me." He said as he thought about different names.

"How about Aito and Akio?" I shook my head. "Those are wonderful names but I think that would bring about World War iii in this household." He pouted. "But those are lovely names." He whined. "I know, but let's think about different names." I said as I kissed his nose. It went on like that for a while. "Ok, ok. Why don't you give one name and I'll give the other?" Suggested Naruto. "Hn."

I thought about a name that could suit one of my son's. "I think I'll go with the name Zuko." (An: don't judge me I love the meaning of that name.) He thought about it for a moment. "Zuko, huh? It has a nice meaning to it. It means harmony, someone with a kind heart, loving, appreciative and calm." (An: see? I told you so.)

"And I'll go with Meito." He said, I raised an eyebrow at him. "Meito? Hmm... fine sward, but why?" I asked. "Why Zuko?" He asked back. "I chose Zuko because I know they are both going to take after you somehow. I think It's fair to name one of them Zuko." He shrugged. "Would you look at that we both had the same idea in mind."

"How's the nursery going?" He asked. I stiffened. "You could have just asked Itachi and Obito for help." He laughed and I glared. "They are my kids, I can prepare their room myself." He shook his head as he chuckled. "You Uchihas are all the same. My poor kids will suffer the same fate." He said it out dramatically. He got up from the couch. "I'll call Itachi and Obito to help out when you're ready for them." He smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Naruto Pov

I was standing at the door way that led to the baby room. I had a nice cup of tea in my hand as I watch Sasuke struggle about making one of the baby cribs. I looked around the room and smiled in content. The room was beautiful, with forest green walls and a white tree that would rain between the two cribs.

There was a single in the corner by the window and a foot rest in front of it. A cream coloured changing table across the cribs which remained again the wall. And various other items necessary for a nursery room. The room was quiet big for just two babies. I heard Sasuke sigh in frustration.

"Wow, and here I thought the Sasuke Uchiha is a genius when it comes to anything. I guess I was wrong." I mocked with a smirk as he glared. "Are you still sure you don't want Itachi's and Obito's help with the cribs." He huffed. "I got the manual, I could get these cribs done by myself." I rolled my eyes. "And that is turning out very well for you." I said sarcastically. "Admit it you need help with that." He sighed in defeat. "Fine, call Itachi and Obito." I smiled in victory. "Glad you finally see it my way." I said as I walked away to call Itachi and Obito.


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