Chapter 21

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 Naruto Pov

*5th month*

I'm already five months in, just like the last time when I lost my first baby. Is that going to happen again? My first child couldn't make it into the world, it would never get the chance to grow, make friends, laugh, cry, be angry, get into college, fall in love, get married, enjoy a wonderful life with its own family. It never had that chance and I won't allow my kids to slip away. I'll do everything I can to let them live even if it means my life.

Sasuke Pov

It's been a week since Naruto went into that depressed state. I thought it would be best to give him space since it didn't seem like he was ready to talk about it. And right now his all curled up in bed and it's worrying me quite a lot. I walked over to him and sat next to him on our bed. He sniffled and there was a disturbing pain in my chest. "Hay... what's wrong?" He shook his head and wiped his tears.

"Nothing... I-I'm just..." He trailed of and gave me a weak smile. I sighed. "Please don't hide anything from me. It worries me deeply if you're not talking to me. Tell me, what's on your mind?" He bit his lip and looked away. "You wouldn't understand." He whispered it out that if there was noise in the room I would have missed it. "Yes I wouldn't understand if you don't tell me anything. Just tell me what's wrong?" He shut his eyes and shook his head.

I cupped is face and forced him to look at me. "Naruto, look at me. I'm here for you what's wrong?" I asked with concern evident in my tone, I rubbed my thumbs against his whiskered cheeks and looked deep into the ocean blue eyes I loved so much. He bit his lip and tears ran down his face. "I-I had a miscarriage once before and I'm afraid to lose my kids. I won't be able to handle that Sasuke... it will tear me apart." He cried out and I pulled him in for a hug.

"Shhh... now who said you'd lose our kids and what do you mean miscarriage?" I asked. "I-I was pregnant long ago before I met you... I-I was f-five months pregnant like now..." He paused and I listened carefully. "...I was going to get married to a man named Gaara..." He spat the name out like it was poison. "W-we were in love since college, at least I thought we we're in love... but boy was I wrong." I tighten my hold around him.

Tears continued to run down his face as he laughed. "I was stupid to believe in his lies. He sure did fool me. Cheated on me with one of his co- workers. I was so blind I couldn't even see he was playing me all along." He clutched my shirt in a tight grip. "I caught him in our bed... we had an argument, I tried to walk away telling him it's over and I tossed the ring to him. He grabbed my wrist telling me I can't leave him. Tried to get him to let go and when I finally managed to free myself from him..." He sobbed loudly and held onto me like his life depended on it.

All I could do was comfort him and listen. "...I-I was too close to the stairs and I fell down... th-the impact caused me to lose my baby. It was so painful when I woke up only to learn I've lost my baby. Knowing that it wouldn't get the chance to meet this cruel yet beautiful world. I-I didn't get the chance to hold her and tell her everything was going to be ok when she cries. She wouldn't get the chance to venture out and I wouldn't get the chance to watch her grow. Gaara took that from me, took away her chance of living. He didn't even show up when I lost her. To show how much he cared for his child, he ran away." He sobbed. "I can't lose them Sasuke, it will break me if it happens again."

I tried to calm him down. "Shhh, who said that we'd lose our babies, I'm here and there is nothing that would make me leave you even if my life was threatened. And this Gaara guy, is a thing of the past, and even if you had your first child... I'd love it like it was my own." He shook his head and pushed me away. "You don't understand the pain of losing a child. How it feels to be happy about its existence only to have that slap so hard and laugh at you face." He shouted.

"Yes, I don't know the pain of child lose but I do know it would wound me deeply if that happened." I stated calmly and gently pulled him in for a hug. "Forget about this Gaara guy, you have me and I love you so much just as you love me. And do you think your little girl would be happy to see you like this?" He shook his head no. "So just for her and the sake of our kids, forget about the past and look into the future with me, you and our kids." He sniffled. "Come now this stress is not good for the babies."

He nodded and wiped his tears away. "I love you Sasuke." I kissed his forehead and tighten my hold. "I know, I love me too." He chuckled and playfully hit me on my chest, mumbled something under his breath that sounded like "Arrogant busted." I chuckled and kissed him on the lips. "I'm just kidding. I love you too and I'll always will." He looked up at me and smiled. Kissed me on the lips and remained in my hold with peaceful silence.      

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