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Snow-chan's pov:

Somewhere in the Ñīgh5má4é Vøìđ:

"HaNo he£P me Plê§a3!!"

"Why should I? So you can ruin my plan?" Hano says, smirking at the demon child in front of him.

"I don't think she'll ruin it, dear Hano. She could aid us. Give her a new form." A feminine voice says.

"Fine. But, don't blame me if it doesn't go as planned. Do you want me give her CS101's forming?" Hano says and leads the glitching demon over to a room. Its filled with tubes with a mysterious liquid filling them. The mysterious female nods to Hano, following after them.

There's blue tubes attached to the floating souls inside the tubes. Each soul is a different color and has black cracks in them that oozes black liquid. Hano and the demon walked all the way passed COREupt Souls as they called them. They walked all the way to the back.

2 large containers held a soul and a body. Hano pressed a button on the soul's contianer. He held the soul his palms, delicately, and grinned.

"Her soul is powerful enough to give you a new form. Then, you will also be able to take the form of her." Hano says, holding the soul towards the demon.

The demon laughs, cradling the soul. "Yoû đøñ5 kñOW hó2 ₤ong I've 2aited for thï§ day. Not øñλ¥ đō Ī ge5 á ñé2 bôđy, i get another. And HER powers." The demon child says.

"Chara, be careful. We don't know how your body'll react to it. When the time's right, you'll be able to turn into HER but,  have her powers. Be careful because of you slip up, Jade won't hesitate to kill you." Hano says to Chara. He opens the other container up reveal the body of


She lays, unconscious like she's been for all these months. Chara places her hand over her heart and transforms. (Picture above). Her body glitches from the male form to Vixxie's but she keeps the red eyes. She turns back to the male form.

Chara holds up Vixxie's soul. Vixxie's soul has a large crack in the middle from being broken and turned into a COREupt Soul. It took alot to break her but it was worth it.

She twitches in her sleep from the pain of her soul being drained. Hano smirks. "This should be fun. Jade Willow, dear, are you ready?" He says looking at the female.

She smiles. "Yes, Hano. I'm ready."

"Good, because since the way things are playing out, nothing can stop us from destroying them. We will lead the monsters and humans into an all out war. Then, when they all are weak, we'll corrupt them and rule a new world. Of demons and COREupts!" Hano laughs, evilly. Chara and Jade join him.


〣( ºΔº )〣

Wowza! That was something!

♥Mixitale 2: Your Destiny Continues♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora