Hi, Fresh! This chapter is a little bit of Lust X Reader ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Your pov:

I stomp through the snow, angry. "Fuck this nasty place. They can all burn in the Chumbucket!" I yell, outloud.

"More like,

(Get ready for it ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) )

The CUMbucket!"

(Credit to Gamerwolf22 for telling me that joke at school. Love ya, Maya)

A voice said. More like Lust's voice. He walked up to me, his grin faltering. "Hey, Lusty. Are you okay?" I say, completely ignoring his joke. "I-i dunno. Lets just go home, kid. Its been a long day and I don't really feel like talking to Pappy at the moment." He says, holding out his hand. "Lust, we can talk about it. Come on! Just the two of us." I suggest.

He looks me in the eye and trembles. He struggles to keep his grin. His whole body shakes while his eyes glaze over.

He looks like a dam about to burst. I smile and open my arms.






He runs towards me and embraces me. His grip tightens on me as he sobs onto my shoulder. I pet his back. "There there, Lust. Its okay. I'm here." I coo. He cries harder. "Lust, tell me what's wrong." I say and sit down. (You're in Waterfalls btw ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He wraps his legs around me like a little kid. "I-I don't want to be known for this a-anymore...!" He sobs out. "Known as what?" I ask, rubbing his back. "A pervy skeleton who can't keep it in his pants. Who has to fuck everyone he sees because he can't help it!" He sobs again.

I sigh. "Lust, look at me." I say, firmly.

He buries his face into my neck, refusing.



"Lust, please?"


"Lustyyyy! Look at me!"

He looks at me, purple glowing tears falling off of his skull. I grab his cheekbones in my hands and squish them around.

"Underlust!Sans, listen to me. Are you listening?"

"Yest." He answers through squished cheeks.

"You are special. You can't help being the way you are so stop trying to change it. Just be yourself. I love you the way you are. Even if everyone doesn't really show it, they still love you. Especially Vixxie. She loves all the Sanses. Including you. You need to love yourself, Lust. No matter what, we will always be there for you. Whenever you're sad, alone, or on the brink of death, just remember that everyone loves you and that you're special. You are important and you matter. Don't let anyone or anything bring you down! We all love and cherish you, Lust!" I yell at him.

He stares at me, letting the words sink in. He lets out a shaky sigh and hugs me again. "Thank you, {Y/N}. Only Vixxie has really been able to calm me down. You're just like her.  You're going to do great things just like her." He mutters into my neck.

I smile and kiss his forehead. "Weren't we supposed to go shopping?" I ask, facepalming. Lust immediately let's go. "Yep....shit G's gonna be all over my ass. Lets just go buy some crap and go home." He says, holding my hand and teleporting us to a store.

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