Sans is me whenever my friends take selfies.


Your pov:

Flare put something in the food and raced out the kitchen. He dived under the table and yanked me with him. "What was that for?" I growl. "Just wait." He replies, smirking.




The food explodes and flies EVERYWHERE. EVERYONE is coated in spaghetti sauce, noodles, and taco shells. Flare is laughing his ass off and I sneak outside. "Thanks Flare! I owe ya one!" I yell to him and take off down the street. "No prob, Pet!" He yells back.

- Tem skip to le park -

I spot Hue on a bench near the playground. He was asleep. I sighed and took out my phone.

You: I see you! |OωO)

I text him. I hide behind a tree and watch as he took out his phone. His eyebrow raises as he reads the message. He looks around, his face a bit pale. "Kid, come out. I know you're there. Stop playing games." He calls out, looking around. I sneak up behind the bench without him noticing.

"RAWR!" I yell. He lets out a girly scream and falls off the bench, clutching his shirt. "What *pant* the hell *pant* is wrong *pant* with you?" He says, gasping for air. He sits back on the bench, sighing. I giggle. "Sorry Hue. Not really." I say. He glares at me. I just shrug.

"So, what's up, Hue?" I ask, twisting around. He looks at me, an eyebrow raised. "Nothing much, Kid. What're you doing?" He replies. I shrug again and gesture to the swings.

"Sorry but, I'm not moving." He says, firmly and takes out his phone. "Fine, then I'll carry you!" I said, determined. He rolled his mixed eyes. "Have fun with that."

I hoist him over my shoulder and carry him to the swings. He yells, surprised. I set him down on one and sit on the other.

(Edit 11-8-16: I came up with a new Sans AU. Ready for it? Ghettotale or Underhood. I have no idea where that idea came from tbh XD But...should I do something with it? I really don't know what to do with it...ideas please?)

I pushed myself on the swing and in a matter of minutes I'm really high (NO YOU'RE NOT ON DRUGS! SOMEWONE WAS THINKIN TAT! I SEE YOU OVER DERE!)  Hue smirked at me and decided to dry and go higher. We were about the same hight until i got an idea.

"Hey Hue! I bet you can't jump off!!" I yell to him. His smirk grows into a grin. "Betcha I can, kid!" He replies. He swings higher and leaps off. He hits a back-flip and a tuck-in-roll in mid air and lands perfectly on his feet. My jaw drops. I see him shit-eating-grinning (Yeah that makes SO much sense :T)

"Fine! Two can play that game!" I yell. I go even higher. "Uh Kid! I don't think that's a good idea!!!" I hear Hue yell. I ignore him and jump. I close my eyes and feel like I'm flying. When I open them, I realized I was heading straight towards the sidewalk. "OH SHIT!!! HUE HELP!!!!!!!!" I scream. He couldn't help me. I teleported myself to a group of bushes which don't help at all because I'm still flying!

I brace myself for impact and break my fall with my shoulder. I crash into the bushes and roll/tumble into stuff. (I teleported myself to the sloped part of the park where you usually go on picnics.) I don't feel any pain at first.

I'm just tumbling, my eyes closed and all senses numbed. That is until I feel myself crash into a tree stump. I roll once more and come to a skidding stop. The pain hits me like a brick and its unbearable.

I let out a loud scream as I feel blood going down my forehead. I feel tired and close my eyes.

Darkness consumes me.

(Edit 11-10-16: Hello!!! JACKSEPTICEYE REACHED 13 MILLION SUBS ON 11-8 OR 9 I FORGOT WHICH DAY! Today, I came up with some more Sans AUs:



Host tale (Host Club)

Fruitstale (Fruits Basket)

Soultale (Soul Eater)

Wolftale, everyone is part wolf: Humans and monsters that can turn into wolves, are fighting over land)

Tell me if I should bring them to life

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