Awweee! I love you Napstablook!

3rd person pov:

The two embrace each other in a long lasting hug. "How've you been?! I haven't seen you in forever!" Fruit Basket exclaimed. "Ehh...I've been better. We're on a mission to save Mixitale and you're needed!" {Y/N} told him. "Oh my! What happened Little One?" He asked.

Your pov:

As he says that, I got another flashback:


"Greetings, (Y/n) (L/n) the human." A voice spoke from beyond a cloud. "Umm.....hello?" I said, questionabley.

"Do not be scared, Little One." The voice spoke. It sounded male but mixed with other voices. "I'm not scared. Just confused. Where am i? What happened?" I ask. "A nightmare that could possibly become true. But, Little One you can't stop it unless you learn to control it." He says. "That doesn't really answer my question, mystery Guy." He chuckles. "I know. You kids get smarter and smarter each day. Are you scared?"

"No. Just curious. Please come out." I say. Then, the sun sets and a bright moon shines. Stars twinkle but the clouds remain. A skeleton steps from behind the cloud. He smiles and holds out his hand.

"Are you....?" I ask, taking his hand. "Mixitale!Sans, at your service." He said with a smile.


I beamed at the memory. I filled him in on everything and Wish appeared.

"Ahh, Master Mixi, its a pleasure to see you again. I haven't seen you since the unfortunate ordeal with the Mistress. Also, {Y/N}, the others received your letter. We need to go."

M stared at Wish with his jaw dropped. "YOU CAN TALK?!?!" Wish chuckled and nodded. "Aye, that's not the point." Crowbar objected. I nodded. "These are my friends, Alice and Tony. We need you to come with us to the old house. Wish sent a letter to all the Sanses I met so far to help. We need to find a way to stop Jade and Hano." I told him. "We also came for gear." Crowbar cut in.

"Alrighty. ALPHYS!!" He yelled. The nervous yellow dino/lizard lady walked in. "O-oh! Company! {Y/N}, it's b-been a while! H-have you seen U-undyne?" She said, hugging me. "No. Sorry, Alphys." I replied. "O-okay! Anyways, y-yes Mix?"

"I need the gear we've been working on in case something happened." Mix told her. She nodded and disappeared. She came back with 4 large boxes. "H-here. If the w-war is going to happen, i-its always best to be prepared." She said and handed Crowbar the gear. Mix looked at us. "So, we just teleport there?" He asked. "Yeah! {Y/N} here has magic!" Alice said. Mix gasped. "Yeah, I do. I'll try to teleport us but it might not work. I mean it'll work! Just not teleport us to the right place." I say, sweat-dropping. He smiles. "Well, that's part of the fun. Wait, there is no fun. There's war." He said getting serious. "Lets go!" Tony said.

They all gathered around me and I closed my eyes. I felt the world shift and a flash of green. I opened my eyes and there was a field of buttercups. "This looks all too familiar. It's the Underground!" I yelled. It's where I first fell....

"Wow! Vixxie would be so proud of you!" Mix said, patting my back. "Now, can we just teleport to the house?" Crowbar asked, fixing his hat. "I'll do it!"

We teleported to Snowdin. The cold wind blew through the now empty town. It was quite scary. The area where the barrier was has a giant hole it. Mt.Ebbot is pretty much abandoned. We trudge through the snow til we arrive at the large mansion. "This is where it all began..." I whispered.

"I'm having so many flashbacks." Mix said, standing next to me. He opened the gate door with a creak. We all climbed up the stairs and knocked.
























"{Y/N}! THANK GOD YOU'RE SAFE!!!" Ink answered the door and pulled me into a hug. "We were all so worried! Come in!!" He pulled all of us in and locked the door. The house surprisingly looked fine. Just dusty. All the Sanses I've met are crowded around us, speaking. "{Y/N}!" I heard G say. He hugged me. I hugged back then pushed him away. "You got my letter?" I asked. A look I couldn't read spread across his face. He nodded. "KITTY!!!" A voice said. It was WONDER! He ran and embraced me. "I haven't seen you in forever!!!! Where have you been?!!?!!" I yelled at him. "Busy! I'm sorry! I read the letter and just knew I had to come. Its nice to see you again."

"KID!!" Sans and Hueberry approached me. "Where have you been?!" Hue asked me, concerned. "With Crowbar and my friends. Sans, I also have magic!" I told them. Sans hugged me. "PET! BRING YOUR ASS HERE!" I knew that voice...FELL. He angrily hugged me and growled. "How dare you not tell us where you went?! I called everyone looking for you! And whats with all the shit back home?!" He yelled.

I told all the Sanses to gather in one place. I stood on the table.

"Listen everyone, I called you all here because the Mixitale AU is in danger. Jade is starting a war and its working. She's not which you think she is. She's working with someone named Hano. Monsters and Humans are now on edge and deciding what to do. Each side is killing any kind they encounter. Our task is to help! We need to stop then from fighting and letting those two bastards win. I don't know their plan exactly but, they are going to take over Mixitale. If they succeed, NO AU is safe!

We must try to stop Jade, Chara, and Hano's plan before it works! I know that I'm just a human. I can't do this alone! You all are important and play a big role! Our universes are at stake here. Who is willing to fight for their world?! Papyrus?! Everyone?! Who isn't afraid to stand up and fight?!!! It is up to us!!! We hold the key to our future! Who's with me?!"

I spot Hueberry in the group. He raises his hand. So does Sans, Fell, Cross, Lust, and Wonder. Soon, every Sans has his hand up.

We are going to fight and wind this war!

For our future!

For our home!

For our lives!

(Tem skip)

It's been a week since we decided to fight. The war had started and monsters and humans wee dying. We kept in contact with Asgore and the others. Science had created cameras to keep an eye on the war.

"{Y/N}, come here." Ink told me. I climbed out of Vixxie's bed and followed him. "Ya?"

He and Mix sat down at the table. "Have you ever heard of Defenders?" Mix asked. "No.." I said.

"A Defender is a rare person who gains incredible power called Magik. With their Magik, they protect their AU's. There hasn't been a Defender in years. Only one has been found ever. There was an AU I created called Magiktale. In Magiktale, Frisk was a Defender and Chara was a Attacker. An Attacker has evil Magik called Mana. After a while, I...I thought the AU didn't need to exist...I destroyed it myself before anyone knew what it was. Apparently, the Defender powers had escaped into this AU and has taken host of someone." Ink said.

"That person has been you since the very day you fell. The Magik has been inside you all along. When the time comes, those powers will unlock. I had a dream that...that you will have to kill Vixxie with your Magik..."

Mix looked at me.

"{Y/N}, you alone can save Mixitale. You are a Defender. This is your story." He said.

"Looks like my My Destiny Continues!" I yelled.

-The End-

♥Mixitale 2: Your Destiny Continues♥Where stories live. Discover now