Their so cute!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😚😚😚😙😙😙

Like look at Hueberry's face. Like who wouldn't love dat face?!?

Your pov:

"And..and he had the n-nerve to try to replace h-her." My voice quivers, tears cascading down my face. "What do you mean?" Hueberry sounded surprised. "He got rid of all her stuff and has a new girlfriend." I sniffle out. Hue looks me in the eyes.

"That's don't do that....sure he wanted to move on but, she's a big part of your life. He could've at least let you have some of her stuff." He said, wiping my tears away. "Vixxie left her favorite turtleneck dress for me but, that asshole burned it." Hue growled. "That was a shitty move. What the hell was he thinking? Why would he do that?"

"I guess its because it brings back alot of memories." I say, shrugging. "Hey, what do you think of him now?" He asks. "A filthy cheater." I growl. (Woah, chill {Y/N}! You salty XD)

"{Y/N}, you're going to have to get over it sooner or later. You can't keep him from moving on. If Vixxie comes back, she'll understand. She will get over it and move on as well. I'm pretty sure she has an amazing personality and will fall in love with someone else. You'll see." He said, smiling at me. "Thanks, Hueberry." I smile at him and notice we're on the porch. "I put my number on your phone in case you wanted to chat. I gotta go get Paps. Cya later, sweetheart." Hue says. He waves and walks away with headphones on. I watch as he disappeared down the street.

'He was nice.' I unlock the door. Its quiet and dark inside. I close and lock the door. "Hello? Im home!" I say. 'Guess their at work...'

I go upstairs to my room and plop on the bed. I kick off my shoes and go straight to my phone. I look at the Papyrus picture and smile. Suddenly, my room feels cold. I hear footsteps and watched as a hatchet whizzed past my face. It got stuck in the wall. "WHAT THE HELL? WHO DID THAT!" I yelled, terrified.

The hatchet was covered in blood dust? I crawl out of bed and look around my room. It's strangely dark in here. I hear footsteps and a shadow figure jumps out at me. I squeal and land on the floor. Flickering in the darkness was what seemed to be an Iris.

It was large and red. The lights came back on to reveal a Sans. This Sans was scarier than the others I've met.

He had one giant red dot as a pupil, a sadistic smile, and part of his skull was missing. It looked like a gaster blaster took a bite out of it. He was wearing original Sans clothes but with a darker blue hoodie and blood staining his white shirt. He had another stained hatchet in his left hand.

He smiled at me but it wasn't friendly. Oh no, it was the opposite. He smiled like I was PREY waiting to be hunted. He approached me. I backed up against the wall as he neared. He pinned me and held up a boney free hand. The tips were sharp like Beam's. He traced lines on my cheek with them.

He made a cut underneath my right eye with his claw-like fingers. It bled onto his hand. He raised his and and lapped the blood off. He had a long red tongue. "Hey, don't have all the fun, Horror!" A deep voice called from the other side od the room. Another skeleton wearing a grey hoodie with one large blue Iris walked up. He had on his hood. He had blood and blue saliva dripping from his chin. He shoved the skeleton or 'Horror' out of the way. The new skele licked the blood from the cut causing saliva and more blood to run down my cheek.

"You taste good. I wonder if G'll let me have you." He chuckles. Horror watches, for some reason.  The new skele opens his mouth revealing a bloody blue tongue and blood and saliva covered fangs. He nears my neck and I whimper.

He lets out a hot breath over one of the veins in my neck. I know once he bites that, I'll be dead. His fangs graze the vein and get ready to bite....

"PREDATOR! HORROR! LEAVE HER ALONE!!! OR I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL HARM YOU!" A voice yelled. The lights turn back on and revealed Beam and Papyrus. Predator and Horror growl in annoyance and looks at them. "Can't you see....we are busy?" Horror's deep and scary disoriented voice said. Predator nodded in agreement.

"When G said you could meet {Y/N}, he didn't mean kill or eat her!" Beam yelled. Predator let me go and crossed his arms. "APOLOGIZE TO THE HUMAN!" Papyrus yelled. "We are sorry..." Horror said.

"We didn't introduce ourselves correctly. I'm Predator!Sans but call me Pred." Pred said. "I'm Horror!Sans but most call me Horror." Horror said, gripping his hatch tightly.

"Er, nice to meet you both. I'm {Y/N}." I say, looking at them. They both grunt and exit the room, followed by Papyrus. "Sorry about them. Their boneheads." Beam joked. I giggled.

"So, what Sanses have you met so far?" Beam asked. "You, Nightmare, Dream, Flare, Hue, Horror, and Pred." I say, tapping my chin. "Nice. I got to choose who will pick you up tomorrow. Out of all of us, who do you like the most?"

"Well, tbh, you, Flare, Hue, and Dream. The rest Nightmare creeps me out ans Horror and Pred probably don't like me." I say shrugging. Beam sighs. "It's okay. Tomorrow, the Sans you're gonna meet is going to be amazing." Beam chuckles. "I think you'll like him." I nod. "He must be nice."

♥Mixitale 2: Your Destiny Continues♥Where stories live. Discover now