Snow-chan: Why are you so adorable, Fell?!

Fell: I am NOT adorable, Snow-chan!!! I'm manly and scary as hell! 💢

Snow-chan: *Pats his skull* No need to deny, Razzberry.

Fell: *Growls and swats away her hand*

Snow-chan: Is little Razzberry angry? I know you would NEVER hurt me.

Fell: *Growls again as she pats head again* Try me, you lemon loving bitch! *Bites her hand, drawing blood*

Snow-chan: *Yelps* Oh you asked for it, Razzberry. Oh Fresh~!"

*Fresh comes running in*

Fresh: Yo, what's up my rad-tastical chum bud friends? How you doin on the fresh-tastic day? *Says a load of other 'Fresh' stuff*

Fell: *Covers 'ears'* OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!

Snow-chan: *Wraps hand in cloth* Never!!!!


Snow-chan: That's me. *Walks out with a sassy hair flip*

Oh right! 😮 The story!! Enjoy! 😆

Your pov:

Twist waved goodbye and did the running man down the street. I giggled and opened the door. Jade and Jammy were sitting on the couch. Swap was in the kitchen with Papyrus making spaghetti. Pred, Horror, G, Fell, and Sans were playing cards. Ink and Error were sitting at the table in deep conversation. Reap and Fresh were cleaning up the remains of Forrest Burns. Lust was sitting in the corner.

The strange thing was, he was wearing NORMAL clothes and had a frown on his face. He glared at Snow-chan. "What's up with you, Lust?" I ask. "My name isn't Lust. Its Lake for the next week. Snow-chan will tell you later." He said, growling.

Beam ran out of nowhere and tackled me in a hug. Flare was there, too. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask, sitting up with Beam on me.  G looked at me. "They just decided to hang. No big deal."

Jade motioned me to follow her. I growled but followed. We got to her room and she closed the door. Her walls are painted a light gray and she has a white carpet. I sat on the edge of her bed. Her sheets were light blue with black roses on them. They were really soft. She sat on the small bench in front of her mirror. She turned around and faced me.

"{Y/N}, I know you don't like me and we kinda got off on the wrong foot but, I want to make it up to you. I just want to be friends with you. If not friends, than acquaintances. I know I could never replace Vixxie and not mean alot to you but please! Just give me a chance! I know this was all too sudden but please! Just trust me. Give me a chance..." She said. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. It made me feel bad. I sighed and pondered what to do.

The room was filled with her quiet sobs and silence. With a heavy sigh, I answered.

"Okay. We can try. I'm going to try to befriend you. But, you only get one chance. One chance to prove I can trust you. Mess this up, and all my trust is gone. Got it?" I say, sternly. "Oh yes! Thank you, {Y/N}! Thank you so much!" She embraced me in a hug.

It felt so awkward. I petted her back, trying to calm her down. She sniffled and let go. She wiped her eyes and smiled at me. "I'll go tell G the news!" She said and raced downstairs. I followed after her.

I pulled out my phone and saw Hue's number. I decided to text him.

You: Hey, Hueberry! 

Hueberry: what's up, kiddo?

You: Nothing much. Just bored. Most of the Sanses are here and I just made amends with Jade. I also met Twist today.

Hueberry: coolio. But, how are you bored? There's PLENTY to do by the sound of it.

You: ehhhh not really. Hey, do you mind if I come over? We could hang a bit.

Hueberry: sure. We could go to Grillby's for dinner and maybe walk about the city. After all, I'm new here. (っ˘ω˘ς )

You: Mkay. Where do you want to meet up?

Hueberry: how about New Bear Park? It's pretty close to your house. I might be asleep on the bench when you get there.( ̄ρ ̄)..zzZZ

You: You better not be or Imma roll you off the bench. (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Hueberry: you could try. (¬‿¬ )

You: Try me. (・ω<)☆

Hueberry: *Laughs* Cya there.ヽ(≧◡≦)八(o^ ^o)ノ

I smile and put my phone away. Flare comes up to me. "Why are you smiling?" He asks. "Im going to go hang with Hue. He's nice." I answer.

"You have a crush on him, don't you?" He asks, wiggling his skele-brows. I laugh and punch him in the arm. "I don't! I just met him. I doubt G will want me leaving...hmm... can you help me sneak out?" I ask him. "As in create a distraction? I'm in!" Flare yells. He smirks and walks into the kitchen. I see him messing with Swap and Papyrus's spaghetti tacos.


A/n:  I forced myself to listen to Megalovania Intensifies while writing. For those who don't know what that is, its Megalovania playing REALLY loud. Dunno why I decided to do it with headphones but RIP my hearing 😅and plus, its the FULL version of the song. The 5 minute version. Kill me now.

Also, can I vent a little? I'm worried about my fam right now. My mom has to work from 9pm to 2am, wake up at 5am and go to her second job at 8am. She's so tired and on top of that, my dumb, lazy, asshole of an older brother won't take his ass to school.

Its his last year in high school and how's he gonna graduate when his grades are bad and he doesn't even go to school?

He cares more about parties and his hoes than school!

♥Mixitale 2: Your Destiny Continues♥Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant