; Craig

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First period ends. Then I go to second. Then third. And so on.

My next period was a study hall. Thank God. My homework had already piled up, even on the first day. And it was all the same beginning of school bullshit.

In English we were assigned a five-paragraph essay on our summers (my summer mainly consisted of practicing guitar until my fingers were raw and reading like my life depended on it).

Don't even get me started on math. We have to do a review packet for all the shit we did last year. It's due in a week, but I'm doing it tonight. It's not like I have a life outside of school.


Lunch finally came. I grabbed my messenger bag and walked at a pace that would've probably gotten me arrested for speeding in the hallways.

When I got to the lunchroom, reality smacked me in the face once more. I don't have any friends. Most of the tables are most likely occupied. I'm the new kid. So I did what any sane person would do.

I turned on my heel and walked to the library.

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