; Carly

978 50 13









I groan and slap my alarm clock, trying to hit the snooze button. Instead, the alarm falls off the nightstand and somehow unplugs itself. Sitting up, I yawn and stretch as my eyes blink tiredly.

I get up and cross my room to my dresser, quickly taking off my pajamas. I get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair, and finally run downstairs to see my father already there in his work clothes. He's barely awake, his face drooping and seeming to be almost touching his oatmeal.

"Make sure Sophie gets on her bus, okay?" I ask him, hugging him a little before grabbing my backpack and running out the door.


As I walk down my street, I see Simone sitting on her doorstep and call to her. She grins at me and runs over, panting as she says hello. We walk a little farther together in silence, Simone gripping the straps of her backpack as mine barely stand on my shoulders. Finally, after what seems like forever, Simone opens her mouth.

"How's Evan?" She blurts, glancing over at me. I look over at her and smile a little.

"Hot. Marcel?"

Simone giggles. "Stupid. But cute."


We walk into the school's library together, and I look up from my phone to see Evan's grinning face sitting in a chair at a table with the others. I smirk as I sit down next to him and swiftly kiss him on the cheek before closing my phone. From the corner of my eye, I see Simone sit down next to Marcel, who looks up from Flappy Bird and gives her a small kiss.

I look around at the people at the table, grinning. Marcel, Simone, Evan and I sit at a round table with Jonathan, Daithi, and Mae. Daithi whispers something in Jonathan's ear, who grins from ear to ear and begins laughing wildly, earning him glares from the librarians. Mae rubs her eyes tiredly as she rushes on what seems to be her math homework from last night. I fall into a daze, just staring off into space. Literally at a wall.

I bet that wall's really uncomfortable right now, I think smiling a little at the idea. It's probably all, "Why is that emo kid staring at me-"

"Carly? Babe? You awake?" Evan's calming voice jolts me from my trance. I look over at him, not hearing him. He chuckles, then wraps his muscular arm around my shoulder.

"What'cha thinking about?" He asks soothingly, causing me to smile even more.

"How the wall must be really weirded out by me staring at it."

He laughs.


#carvan because i am literal trASH

also 80's rap is actually amazing tbfh

~ tay

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