chapter 19

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There was a loud ringing in your ears as you cry out gripping tightly to nathan, and puppets hand. They both were in slight pain from your fierce grip on them. Pain surgered through your body as you felt like your body was going to be split in half. Slendy softly rubs your leg trying to commfort you as he lets out a soft whine "(name) keep pushing the babies are almost here!" He says as you cry out again, the moments seemed to crawl by as you pant and stammer.

"Babies?" you say as slendy looks at you nodding

"Yes twins, one is Nathans, one is Puppets," he says "Now keep pushing!" your mind goes numb before you heard the faint cry of a small child. "Its a girl..." he says as. there was another cry from a child, he looks down slightly surprised starting to clean off the baby girl cutting the cord and handing her to Puppet. He then rubs your leg softly. "Come on you can do it (name)!" he says again as you cry out again panting and crying softly in pain. He smiles cleaning the baby. "You did it (name)... (Name)" He said a bit paniced as your vision goes blurry, you hold your cleans as you look towards puppet.

You opened your mouth to try and speak, no words coming from your mouth as you passout, your vision going black as your body feels cold.

"No... no no no no!" Puppet hands the baby to ben and rubs your head tears streaming down his face and his rubs your cold cheek, he felt the warmth leaving your body. He screams as nathan looks away tearing up. 

"Puppet..." nathan says as he grabs puppets arm trying to pry him away, "Shes gone.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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