Chapter 5

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(another 3 comments and likes for the 6th chapter, that would help me to know that people do like the story and i do write this stuff for you guys so please comment things that would be good or other stories you may want me to do. Or things that i should change or tips on how to write better)

Ej lead puppet down the staircase near his room. Puppet watched Ej as he placed his hand's in his pockets. 

"You know slenderman isnt happy that you brought the human, because of the other household members, but he is happy to meet her. She has the ability to enter ones dreams, Slenderman thinks she is a Pasta like us but we would have to get Zalgo to help us see if its true," Ej looks behind him slowly seeing Puppet clench his fist's tightly his eyes glowing a bit red as he walks behind Ej. Ej scratched the back of his head.

"I dont want her to be a pasta... she is to innocent to have her kill..." He says bettween clenched teeth. \

"Hey look man i dont make the rules. He is the boss," He says putting his hands above his head as he walks, reaching slendermans office quickly. "We're here" Ej said knocking on the door of slendermans office lightly.

"Come in," Slenderman says slowly. Puppeet walks into the room and sits in the chair infront of slendermans desk. Slenderman puts his chin ontop of his hands and leans his elbows on his desk. "Do you know why i have called you here?" slenderman says slowly

"Yes," Puppet says slowly his fists clenching more

"Good. Know i will have you know that The girl is  possible the strongest human, and pasta that has ever been found, and since this girl was a human she will be even stronger, Jeff for example. We all know that jeff is hard to handle... even for me..." Slenderman says rubbing his temple.

"Yes, but i do not wish for her to harm others, she was harmed all her life and i do not wish for her to hurt as she hurts others. She is a fradgile girl... and i only wish to keep her safe..." He says softly his eyes become a light golden as he thinks of her.

"I have called Zalgo, he is coming within a week. He will test this girl to see if she is a true pasta... and for her well beingk, if she is a pasta then you will train her along with me and Zalgo. We all have around the same abilit and i wish to see if she has any of-" Slenderman was cut off by a sharp scream and the thumping of footsteps followed by someone saying

"Oh come here i want hurt you.... much" it was followed by the laugh of insaneness and slenderman just rubbed his temple more.

"God damnit Jeff," he said getting up from his desk as puppeets eyes widdened and he bolted out of the door seeing (name) come running towards him and tripped down the stairs only to be caught by puppet and holding her close as he growls at Jeff"

"Oh come on puppeet can i play with your sweet little girl..." he said his eyes were wild with the lust for blood and he walked down the stairs slowly his knife in one hand.

"Jeff dont hurt her she could be a pasta like us," He said strocking her head as she shook tears streaming down her eyes "You should show her some respect, shes like you after all, you and lui" he said hissing at jeff

"Dont mention his name" Jeff hissed back as he went to lunge at puppeet.

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