Chapter 1

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You lay curled up in bead, your long waste length hair lay pooled around you, it was long because no one cared to cut it, but your older sister loved to brush it, after leaving long scratches on your arms before she does trying to get you in the right 'position' for her to brush it. But you didnt feel anything anymore. The pain had long sense peeled away into nothing and your emotions had died a long with the pain. Non of your family members loved you, and they kept you hidden from the world saying, your to innocent to see the cold hard truth. But the truth had been in your family, they were the, cold, hard, ugly, hideous, hurtful truth. And they knew it. Your family tried to kill you so many times you had lost count, so you created a friend, He had shaggy black hair, glowing golden eyes, a grey hoodie under a black overcoat and light grey jeans with black sneakers. He wore gloves so they covered his hands, and he had a lighter skin color then his jeans but still in the shade of grey. The first time you saw him, you were in the woods after falling asleep in your room on the floor where you always sleep. You family to cruel to give you a bed. He looked surprised as you stood in the woods, your eye slightly bruised, a cut on your left cheek and one on your right hand. There were mulpite scars all over your body as you stood in front of him in a short white flowie dress. Your wasit length (h/c) hair framed your face and body perfectly as you looked at him. 

"Hello." you said barley speaking as you looked at him not even noticing the pain pulsing through your body due to another beating. You brushed a strand of hair from your face. The man stared at you his eyes widened in shock, he reached out to touch you, you recoiling afraid to be hit again. He took a strand of your hair, taking off one of his gloves and feeling it. The hair felt like running your hand through water it was so soft, and it was like touching the finest silk. Finally the man looked up studding you face. You had a brilliant (e/c) and one dull blue one from the light scar running across your eye, your eyelashes were long and thin as they almost reached your eyebrows witch sat perfectly above your eyes. Her came closer running his hand down your skin. It was as soft as your hair and was radiant in the moonlights soft gaze. Your nose was small curving in slightly but if fit your face perfect, and your lips were full blood red, and where perfect with your pale skin. Your cheekbones where faint but you could see them slightly. The man hugged you tightly as he rubbed your head wondering why you were so scarred and beaten for some child so beautiful.

"Who." He paused and hugging you tighter your slender feeling like it would shatter at any second as he held you tightly. The breeze picked up your hair softly as you felt the grass underneath your feet. The forest seemed to be happy at you it seeming to glow as he hugged you. "Who did this to you" he said petting your hair your eyes widdened then softened slightly. 

"you should know silly. Your my dream, i obviously made you up to escape reality!" You said wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him back.

He pulled you away smiling saddly as he looked at you. "Yea, i guess so," he said patting your head.

And then.

You woke up.

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