Chapter 12

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Puppet walked around slowly around the house the cars outside the house crumbled and the dead bodies lay sprawled about. "You realize we will have to move shortly after getting her back" Puppet said his teeth grinding together as he paced around some of the tied up survivors. He growls at them, the men trembling in fear as his eyes glowed with a dark redish golden rage looking into their eyes. Small golden strings gripping onto one of the mens neck's as he walks closer to the men. 

"Where did you take her..." he growled at the man, the man moving back attempting to loosen the ropes around hand's 

"I-I dont know!" The man said his face filling with fear. Puppet's goldern strings tightened around his neck as he gasp for breath "I-ts the bunker! On the sealine on the side of the forest! Please dont kill me.." The man whimmpered as Puppet droppped the strings then snapping his neck as the rest of the men screamed the other's snapping their necks.

"Lets go get her." puppet said as he walks towards the door. The rest of the creepypast's walk towards the door. Slenderman and zalgo looked at each other as nova walked near puppet her eyes filled with fire as she walked near them, the search begining.


You lay in the corner of the bathroom against the bath as a loud bang was heard on the door making you just, and look at the door with fear. The banging stopped as the doorknob jiggled softly as he opens the door, the man that had tried to help you. He looked more human, his skin was a light tan his eyes were a light red, his hair was black covered with light as as he stumbled in sitting next to you his eyes growing hungry as your eyes peered into his he backed away

"Im sorry for scarring you..." he said softly dry blood covering his naked torso, his dark blue jeans a bit wripped at the ends. "I didnt mean to frighten you... but i took out enough of the men to get you out... along with me, ive already opened the doors for the rest of the prisoners" He holds out his hand as you look up at him "You can go now, its fine." he said softly as you took his hand as he lead you out of the bathroom the door to your room wide open as people ran out of the building, some covered in blood, some weilding weapons.

"Im... im afraid...." You said softly as blood covered the hallways, lights flickering on and off as he peeked his head out of the door as he ran down a long hallway, "I-i didnt catch your name.." You said softly as you looked at him your dress flowing behind you as you ran behind him, your hand in his as he looks back slowly.

" Nathan," He said softly as many of the prisoners cut into the men, blood being spread onto the ground as you and him ran past your eyes widdening

"Nathan people are hurting each other!" You said as he doesnt look back his hand tightening around yours as he runs a bit faster.

"Thats why we have to get out quickly." He said as a loud ear spliting inhumanly cry vibrated off of the hallways as a creature was slammed into the wall infront of the exit.

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