Chapter 11

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Puppet spend the next few hours out in the woods killing every living things within his grasp almost killing multiple of the pasta's in the prosses. Not even Jack could get near without puppet wrapping his glowing strings around his throat and limps only to stop and scream at jack to get away. His cries of agony filled the forst as the animals and pasta's stayed clean as Slenderman sat at the table head on the table slumping with a empty tipped over bottle of whine near him along with a few of the others. 

"DAMNIT! We cant just wait here and do nothing!" Jack said as he slams his fist against the table, Slenderman looked up as puppets cries grew louder from the forest. The crying growing from soft into a loud whaling that was filled with hurt. SLenderman stood up and walked to puppet tackling him and holding down to the ground as he kicked and screamed crying for (name) as slenderman shush him

"Puppet its ok we are going to find her, Ben is going to hack the database from some of the weapons they left while fleeing and we will get her back DAMNIT!" Slenderman said, puppeet stoped strugling as she lays on the ground growling at the people that took you away.


The demon like man growled as the soldiers pounded on the door.

"I need you to stay here and do not open the door ever." the man said before opening the door and closing it. You sat near the door locking it as you hugged your knees screams being heard from outside your door as you covered your ears singing softly to drown out the screaming.

You snif softly tears dripping down your cheeks as you contuine singing. The screaming increased as a loud bang was heard at the door, you jumped softly as you cry harder wishing that puppeet was right next to you holding you and calming you and telling you that everything will be ok. You cry harder as you try to calm yourself trying to make is so you wont have to think of the blood. Another bang was heard as a small dent was made into the metal door. You back up crying harder scooting away from the door as you curl up in ball and crying harder as you heard the crys of pain from your new founded friend. You heard the men banging on the door of the bathroom. You covered your ears blocking out the sound as you contuined to sing crying and sniffling as you tried to calm yourself, but to no avail. You were stuck with the screaming of the soldiers at your door and the tears dripping down your cheeks as the men finally gave up leaving the door.

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