Chapter Two

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I stared at the blank screen for a good ten minutes before I started typing. Finally, the words started coming to me, though I felt like it was just drivel, something to write just for the sake of writing. I let out a sigh of relief when I was interrupted a few minutes later by someone clearing his throat in the doorway.

"Stacey Barnett?" the young man asked.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Delivery for you," he announced. "Where would you like these?"

My eyes widened when I saw the enormous arrangement of flowers in his hand.

"Um..." I blinked. "I guess right here is fine."

I pushed away a stack of folders and papers to my left, giving him ample space to set the bouquet. I watched as he set it down and turned toward the door.

"Don't I need to sign something?" I inquired.

"Once I get everything in," he replied.

"What?" I sounded, raising a brow, but the man had already disappeared.

Two seconds later he returned pushing a cart holding two large boxes, a clipboard atop them. He rounded my desk before lifting the boxes, which looked to be heavy, and setting them on the floor. Then with a heavy breath, he handed me the clipboard and a pen.

"Sign here, please," he requested.

"Who is this from?" I asked him.

"Don't know, ma'am," the young man shook his head. "I'm just the delivery service."

I signed my name in a hasty scribble, handing him back the clipboard. He nodded good day and I stared at the flowers as he walked away. There was no card attached to give me any clue from whom it was. Just as I rose from my chair to inspect the boxes, another cart was being pushed through the door, this one two-tiered and covered in food.

"What in the world?" I exclaimed. "I didn't order any catering."

"No ma'am," said the tall, thin man standing behind the cart. "This was a special request that just came in this morning."

"From who?"

"From a...uh..." he pulled a slip of paper from the pocket of his apron, "Styles."

My mouth fell open as I glared at the man, then at the food, realization setting in. I swallowed hard, pushing my hair behind my ears.

"Would you prefer I leave the food here, or is there a kitchen you'd rather store it in?"

I blinked. "Um...yeah, maybe the conference room?"

"Sure thing," the young man nodded. "Lead the way."

I walked past him to the hallway and around the corner to the large conference room that was supposed to be for meeting purposes but we rarely used. The wheels of the cart squeaked behind me as I pushed open the door. I helped remove the food from the cart and placed it on the long table. Once everything was cleared, I stood with my hands on my hips, noticing just how much food there was. A variety of sandwiches, fruit, a veggie tray, pasta, two kinds of salads, bread, cookies and even a cake. And of course no lunch would be complete without various cans of soda and bottles of water. Did we really need Ozarka, Fiji and Perrier?

"If you could just sign this, please," I heard the man say, though he suddenly sounded far away. "Payment is all taken care of."

Slowly taking the slip of paper from him, I signed my name once again.

"Enjoy your lunch," he called as he pushed the squeaky cart out of the room.

"Holy shit!" I heard Lorelei's voice exclaim behind me. I turned to see her standing in the doorway. "Who ordered catering?"

Too Far From TexasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz