Chapter Eight

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Harry kept my hand in his as we exited the hotel to find a car waiting for us.

"Well, hello again," I smiled when I saw him holding the door.

"Hello, Miss," said Drew with a nod.

I slid into the leather seat, Harry following. Raising our joined hands to his lips, he kissed the back of mine as Drew pulled out of the parking lot and headed out into the night. Harry remained silent as I watched the scenery go by, once again mesmerized by the city.

"First time to New York?"

I turned and gave him a smile.

"Yes," I nodded. "Funny, isn't it?"


"Because my book is set here. You would think I'd at least been here before. To do some research or something."

"Why didn't you?"

I pursed my lips. "No time. Or money. I just relied on Lorelei's knowledge, movies and Wikipedia."

Harry smirked. "I don't reckon you really needed to know much anyway. The story really could have been set in any city."

I stared out the window again. "I suppose so."

The ride was quiet once more as I continued to watch the city lights and sky-high buildings go by. I wondered where Harry was taking me, but I decided to keep the mystery brewing and not ask.

"Are you nervous?"

I widened my eyes and turned my head with a jerk. "About what?"

"Tomorrow. The book signing."

"Oh," I sighed. "A little, I guess? But not really. Just...excited. You know, that feeling you get like there's butterflies in your tummy, but you're not worried or anxious because you know everything's gonna turn out like you'd hoped."

Harry gave me a slow smile, his eyes dancing as though we both knew neither of us were just talking about the book signing. I felt him squeeze my hand as my stomach flipped. Before I knew it, the car came to a stop.

The chill of the evening air hit me harder than before as I stepped out of the car, and I quickly realized we were near the water. Eyeing the marina, the lights bouncing off the surface of the water, I pulled my coat tighter around me.

"Harry, what is this?"

I felt his breath in my ear, his hand on my back before he whispered. "My surprise."

I looked up at him then, a slight smirk threatening to show his dimple as he gestured to the dock. I hesitantly let him guide me until we stopped in front of a massive yet conservative nautical craft.

"We're going on a yacht?" I gasped.

Before Harry could respond, another man seemingly came out of nowhere, a pleasant smile on his face.

"Good evening!" he exclaimed, holding out his hand. Harry shook it and greeted him as though they'd met before. I just watched in awe, still incredulous about what was happening.

We stepped onto the yacht, and the man, who had introduced himself as Ethan, showed us to an area on the deck with an amazing view of the skyline and had then quickly disappeared somewhere. As soon as Harry and I were alone, it finally dawned on me and I officially got the jitters. Harry noticed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Was that a nervous shake or a cold chill?" he asked.

I chuckled. "I told you I'm not nervous."

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