Chapter Thirteen

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Time is like a slow drifting cloud when you miss someone. It's just hanging over you while you wait impatiently for the sun to finally peek through. I hadn't talked to Harry on the phone since he'd left Houston, although he had texted me upon his arrival in London. My heart ached to be with him again and my ears longed to hear his voice.

Thursday morning I awoke early to get my turkey in the oven and was delighted to see a text from Harry.


Expect a call from me tonight.

x H

I giggled at his wishing me a happy American holiday, but my senses ignited at the prospect of hearing his voice again.

The oven preheated, I slid the roasting pan inside as I hummed one of Harry's songs to myself. Just as I shut the door, I jumped at the sound of my daughter's voice.

"Good morning, Mommy."

"Oh! Hi sweet girl. What are you doing up so early?"

Emery shrugged. "My brain couldn't turn off."

I grinned at her as I opened the refrigerator. "I can relate. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Cereal's fine," she replied sleepily, sitting at the table with her iPad.

Filling a bowl with her favorite cereal and milk, I set it in front of her. Then I pulled out a pan to fry myself an egg. Joining Emery at the table, I brought my phone with me just so I could read Harry's text again. I smiled as my fingers floated over the screen.

Looking forward to it :), I texted back.

I wondered what time he'd call. I only hoped my mother would be gone by then.

"So Tod is taking the girls to his mom's tomorrow?" my mother inquired just as I shoved a forkful of sweet potatoes into my mouth.

"Mmhmm," I nodded, grabbing my napkin.

"Are they having a dinner there too? I didn't think Maggie cooked anymore."

"I don't think she does either. I think they're going out to eat."

My mother gave me a look. "He's always trying to outdo you, isn't he?"

Lifting my glass of tea, I shrugged. "It's Thanksgiving. The girls should be able to be with his family, too."

"What about Christmas? Is he gonna want them on Christmas morning? Because-"

"I don't know yet, Mom," I interrupted. "Can we just drop it?"

Not bothering to hide her disgust, my mother pursed her lips and stabbed her turkey with her fork.

"Memaw, can I have more sweet potatoes?" asked Emery.

My mother beamed at her, happy that my youngest daughter enjoyed something she'd prepared. Our conversation forgotten, she nodded and patted Emery on the back.

"You certainly may."

Getting up from the table, Emery brought her plate to the kitchen to get refills on her favorite dish. Suddenly, I heard my ringtone sound, my phone vibrating on the counter.

"Mommy, your phone's ringing!" called Em.

"I know, just let it go to voicemail," I replied.

I saw Emery look at my phone then, her eyes wide.

"It's Harry!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my God!" I shouted at the same time my mother asked, "Who's Harry?"

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