Chapter Eleven

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The room was dark when I woke up. For a moment I thought surely I had awaken from another one of my nightmares, but I couldn't recall anything other than ecstasy. That was when I turned my head to the right and saw the silhouette lying on the pillow beside mine. He slept on his stomach, one arm wrapped around the pillow as though he was snuggling with it, the other stretched out, his hand nearly underneath my own pillow.

I smiled when I heard him snoring softly. I started to roll over onto my side when I realized my reason for waking up. I had to pee.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I tiptoed back to bed, careful not to jostle him. I laid on my side facing him, catching a glimpse of his face in the moonlight that streamed through the blinds.

I couldn't believe he was in my bed - that we'd made love just hours before. He was so beautiful, so unreal. I reached out to touch his arm, lightly grazing it with my fingertips. Though I told myself I didn't want to wake him, my need and desire to touch him was overwhelming.

I caressed his arm, down to his hand where I covered it with mine. I felt him stir and I froze, watching and waiting for any more movement. I smiled to myself when he lifted his fingers so as to thread them with mine. Then he pulled them towards himself and kissed them, my fingertips warm at contact.

"C'mere," I heard him say, shifting onto his side.

I shimmied closer to him, my head landing in the crook of his arm. He dropped his other arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest, kissing the top of my head. He tickled my lower back with his fingertips as I looked up to search his face, finding his bedroom eyes barely open, his plump lips parted and inviting.

He kissed me then, a sloppy, sleepy kiss that made me weak all over. He had a hold of me like he didn't want to let go, and I'd never felt more safe and secure.

I let out a tiny little moan. Harry echoed it, kissing me deeper and harder, his hand cradling my neck. I didn't push him back this time. I was ready and willing to give him whatever he wanted from me. But in the end, Harry only separated from the kiss to press his forehead to mine as he breathed heavily. Then he ran his hand down my shoulder and arm and grabbed my waist once more with a squeeze.

We fell asleep like that, Harry first, so I listened to the patterns of his breathing which eventually soothed me into my own slumber.

He was gone before the girls got up the next morning. Tod was arriving at ten, and Harry didn't want there to be any weirdness or confusion, and I didn't blame him. I kissed him at the door where he told me he'd be back that evening and we'd go to dinner before the concert.

After breakfast, Tod showed up to pick up the girls, and I kissed and hugged them goodbye. Then I made a beeline for my closet, pulling out anything I thought remotely looked like something I'd wear to a concert. Quickly I vetoed several shirts and a pair of skin tight jeans that I knew I had worn to concerts years ago with Tod. They probably didn't even fit me anymore. I had a pretty cool leather jacket, but even though it was November, it wasn't cold enough in Houston yet for layers. In the end, the only items I deemed wearable were a pair of black boots and a so-so pair of jeans that had seen better days. Time to go shopping.

On a normal occasion such as this, I would have invited Lorelei to go with me, but since she had left for Australia, I was on my own. It was just as well. I loved my friend, but she'd no doubt be trying to get me to purchase some sort of leather bustier. No thanks. Besides, I enjoyed shopping by myself.

The mall was crowded, but I managed to find something I liked - a pretty flowing fabric top (a la Stevie) and a pair of jeans that made my butt look amazing. I knew I could add my black boots and some of my favorite jewelry and make it the perfect concert outfit.

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