Chapter Twenty-Two

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Los Angeles. The city of angels. Appropriately named, I thought as I stepped off the plane and into the terminal. I already felt lighter, like I'd just grown wings. I took my time getting to baggage claim, stopping in the bathroom first, and when I arrived the luggage was just coming down the chute. Grabbing my bag, I walked outside, and just like in London, a car was waiting for me.

Traffic was heavy, though not much different from Houston. The temperature was definitely more pleasant, and although I was never a big fan of the heat, the sunshine made me sing inside, especially since I'd just left the prequel to hurricane season.

When the driver turned in front of a large gate, I held my breath. I knew Harry would have a big house. And private. It was a given. But I supposed I hadn't fully braced myself for what I would see. It was gorgeous to say the least. It was very modern, with dark wood and just about as many windows in ratio. The entrance was aligned with sophisticated shrubbery and when the car pulled up along the circular drive, I half expected the front door to open. But it didn't.

Climbing out of the back seat, I craned my neck to look up. For what exactly, I wasn't sure. Perhaps a helicopter? Paps hiding in the neighbor's bushes? When I saw nothing but more palm trees and sunshine, I thanked the man for extracting my bag from the trunk. He nodded and mumbled a phrase which I didn't quite catch, but when he didn't put my bag down and instead hurried to the front door, I followed him.

I was here. This was Harry's domain. I could feel my stomach turn and I hoped it didn't make a gross gurgle as the chauffeur rang the bell. I heard the sound of footsteps from within and I sucked in my lips as the lock turned and the door opened.

I caught the twinkle in his eyes before his lips grew into a smile. He wore a simple white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants, no shoes on his feet. His hair looked longer and curlier than ever, and fell to the side, free of product. He looked beautiful.

"Finally," he declared just above a whisper before addressing the driver. "Thanks, mate."

With a nod and a small wave, the man turned back to the car. Harry took my suitcase with one large hand, and my right hand with the other, pulling me inside the house.

"You're here," he growled as he took me in his arms. "God, you smell so good."

I chuckled nervously. "Like airplane peanuts?"


Resting my forehead against his shoulder, I giggled. "I think we've had this conversation before."

"Have we?" Releasing me from his hold, Harry gazed at me, his eyes taking me in with an easy grin on his face. "I guess I just like your scent."

"Good to know."

Cupping my cheek, Harry leaned in to brush his lips against mine. As soon as they collided, my senses ignited and it was as though the last two and half months hadn't happened. I fell into the kiss, his tongue meeting mine with fervor. Our lips separated too quickly however, and I ran my hands down his chest with a sigh.

"I missed you so bad, Stacey," he announced, his voice gravely.

"Me too," I agreed, noticing the desire in his eyes. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I just got off the plane."

"Fair enough," he winked. "Let me show you around."

Taking my hand again, he pulled me to the left, promising he'd get my bag on the way back. I smiled to myself as he led me down the hall, humming softly. I instantly recognized the tune.

Baby don't rush, you're no waterfall...
Love me that is all...

We came to a large, open room that nearly made me gasp. Both cozy and masculine, the only wall held a tall, brick fireplace. It wasn't lit at the moment, but I figured it could easily be by the flick of a switch. Behind the enormous sofa was a series of three floor-to-ceiling windows, making the room glow with the afternoon sun. Standing in the center of the room, I gazed outside to the backyard, the sun dancing across the water of the pool.

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