Chapter Sixteen

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I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, my lips and dress a few shades darker red than my hair. I'd chosen the dress from my suitcase after Harry had shooed me upstairs and insisted I relax in the tub for a bit while he finished preparing the dinner. I had no idea how fancy I should dress up, but I figured if he was going to so much trouble on the dinner, it must be something special, so I wanted to look nice.

I took a deep breath. I smelled like the lavender aroma of the lotion I'd lathered across my body, both relaxing and intoxicating. My hair was pinned back loosely, soft curls cascading down my shoulders and back. I smiled at my reflection as I heard a sound coming from the bedroom. Gently opening the bathroom door, I saw Harry placing two plates on a round table covered in a white tablecloth, the soft glow of candles flickering in the center. Behind him was the first spark of a fire coming to life in the fireplace. I heard the light sound of piano music that seemed to be coming from Harry's phone that he'd placed on the nightstand. He grinned when he saw me.

"Bit too chilly now to eat outside," he explained, gesturing to the cart that seemed to hold the food. "I reckoned you might get too cold. So I brought everything in here."

I nodded silently as his eyes caught sight of my ensemble and he began to step towards me.

"And now seeing you in that dress...I believe I was right."

"Sorry," I murmured, rubbing my bare left arm with my right hand. "I wasn't thinking about wearing a cocktail dress outdoors. But I could get my coat."

"Don't you dare," Harry shook his head. He reached his hand out to me then. "Come. Sit."

As he held the chair out for me, I got a good look at him. He wore his signature black jeans with a silky navy and maroon shirt. And he smelled like heaven.

"When did you change?" I asked him.

"Took a quick shower while you were in the bath."

"Oh," I mouthed, a little disappointed that he hadn't joined me. Maybe next time, I thought. There was certainly room for two in there.

I watched Harry uncork a bottle of wine, pouring it into two glasses. I expected him to make a toast or something, so I raised my glass, but instead he set his down beside an empty plate and walked around the cart.

"Hope you like Beef Wellington," he said, lifting the cover off a platter.

"You didn't," I remarked with wide eyes.

"I did," he nodded as he wiggled his brows. "And it looks pretty amazing, I might add."

I giggled at his charm and the way he drew out the words 'pretty amazing'.

"It smells amazing," I commented, as he took my plate to lay a slice of the delicious looking entree onto it.

I enjoyed watching him serve me with determination, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth like a little kid concentrating on building his Lego house. When he laid the plate down in front of me, I immediately felt my mouth water. Next to the Beef Wellington were potatoes and asparagus. It looked better than any meal I could have or had ever prepared myself, and it looked just as appetizing as anything I'd seen in a five star restaurant's menu - not that I'd been to any.

"Do you cook a lot?" I finally asked when Harry sat down with his meal.

"Sometimes," he shrugged, taking his wine glass. "Not usually like this though."

"Oh," I sounded, lifting my glass again. "Cheers."

"No, wait," he stopped me before I clinked my glass with his. "I wanna make a toast."

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