Chapter Thirty-Two

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I held my phone in my hand as the driver pulled up to the front of the hotel and stopped. I felt my knees shake and my throat went dry when the door opened to my right.

"Here you are, Miss."

Blinking several times, I swung my legs over the seat and climbed out of the car.

"Thank you," I muttered at the driver.

He simply nodded, shut the door, and walked around the car to his seat. I stared up at the hotel, the lights and decor inviting, even at such an ungodly hour. Letting out a breath through my nose, I looked backed down at my phone.

I'm here, I texted.

Come up

I walked through the revolving doors and briskly - but not too briskly - past the front desk and to the elevators. As I rode the lift up, I wrung my hands, various scenarios running through my mind. When I stepped off and onto Harry's floor, my knees shook slightly again. Gathering my composure, I made my way to his door and knocked. It seemed to open within seconds, Harry standing on the other side. He looked so much like he had the day I'd arrived at his house in L.A., that I had a moment of deja vu. He wore the same grey sweats and white tee, though it may have been a different tee, his feet were bare, his curls brushed his shoulders. The only difference I could detect was the redness in his eyes.

"Hey," he breathed.


Harry stepped back to allow me to enter. I immediately caught sight of another open doorway which led to a seemingly gorgeous room. My breath caught in my throat as I followed him, the view in front of me leaving me awestruck.

"Beautiful, innit?" I heard him comment behind me.

I nodded. Then I turned my head to get a gander at the room. Everything was done in silvers and golds, with tiny touches of light greys and lavenders. It looked like something from a magazine.

"Wow. Talk about luxury. This is even nicer than your room last...time..."

I slowed my words, my nerves returning as I looked over at Harry who stood just inside the doorway, absentmindedly picking at his bottom lip.

" wanted to see me," I slapped my hands on my thighs. "I'm here."

"Yeah," he said with a small smile, dropping his arm. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Hmm," I sounded as he stepped toward the massive dry bar to the left. "I don't know if I should. I had several at the concert."

I caught the quiver of a smirk on his lips when he grabbed two glasses. "That was hours ago, love."

"I know," I agreed, leaning against the wall next to him. "I just...don't want anything to...influence my judgement."

"Alright," Harry shrugged, returning the glasses. "You wanna talk first?"

I nodded. "I think that might be best."

Harry gestured toward the sofa, and I hesitantly sat down. I thought he might sit next to me, but he surprised me by taking the chair across from me, resting his forearms on his knees.

"Listen, Stacey," he began first, also surprising me, "I want to apologize again for the whole...secret ploy to get you here. It probably wasn't the smartest way to go about it."

"Harry, I..." I swallowed, "I just didn't understand it. It didn't seem like you, you're not someone who sets up these clandestine schemes. I found it very beneath you, to be honest. And to get Lorelei and Gemma involved..."

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