Chapter Seventeen

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When I awoke in the morning, the first thought that went through my head - other than the fact that I had to pee - was that I was cold. Without opening my eyes, I rolled over onto my side, the sheets and comforter doing little to warm my naked body. I opened my eyes and noticed that the fire had died out. I was also alone.

With a pout, I sat up and browsed the room, deciding my red dress wouldn't help me in the least. Then I spotted Harry's discarded shirt on the ottoman and reached for it. I grimaced as I slipped my arms through the cold sleeves, only to roll my eyes when I could barely button it over my chest. But it would have to do. Sliding off the bed, I grabbed my panties from the floor and patted to the bathroom. Harry wasn't back yet when I returned, so I hurried to the bed and wrapped myself under the covers in my own personal cocoon.

After a few minutes, I considered going to find him. But just as I made the decision, I could hear him coming up the stairs, whistling no less.

"Oh good, you're awake," he grinned, a tray in his hands.

I took in his appearance. He wore grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt, his hair still messy from sleep. He looked absolutely delicious.

"You left me alone again," I commented.

"Sorry, baby. I made breakfast," he said, setting the tray on the table. "Are you hungry?"


"Good. But first..." Harry crawled up the bed to me, resting his hips between mine. His eyes beamed with joy though they still held a bit of sleep. "Good morning."

His voice was deep and raspy, and I could feel the vibration down to my toes. I smiled at him, lifting my hand to his cheek.

"Morning," I murmured.

Harry placed a soft on my lips, sighing when my fingers traced his stubbled jaw.

"Hey, you're wearing my shirt," he remarked when he released my mouth.

"I was cold."

"Oh," he sounded, his hand traveling up my side. "I can help with that."

Rolling off of me, he pulled me with him, wrapping his arms around me tight. I relaxed into his warm body, my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. It was calming and somewhat therapeutic.

"Better?" he asked, rubbing my back.

"Mmm, much."

"I would love to stay like this all day," Harry murmured in my hair, "but I am pretty hungry."

As though on cue, my stomach made an announcement that it agreed.
"Ah, and so are you," Harry smirked, and I giggled.

Pulling from his warm arms, I immediately felt cold again, but I sat up anyway, leaning against the headboard.

"What did you make?" I asked as Harry brought the tray to me.

"Eggs and pancakes."

I glared at him. "You're gonna spoil me, Styles."

Harry grinned as he sat beside me so that we could share the tray of delicious food.

"That's the plan, my love."

I continued to stare at him in disbelief as he dug a fork into the fluffy eggs. I watched him bring it to his mouth and chew before I so much as blinked.

"Eat, baby," he urged when he swallowed. "Before it gets cold."

"You're..." I began, but for some reason I couldn't get the rest of the words out. Somehow I knew that nothing I could have said would have even touched the tip of how amazing I thought he was.

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