Chapter Thirty-Three

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Harry insisted on taking me to the airport. I laughed at him at first, thinking it silly. But the closer it got to time to leave, and the less time I knew I had left with him, the better the idea sounded. I texted Lorelei to see if she was okay with meeting me at the terminal.

Of course, doll, she replied. Take every second you can with him.

I smiled at her cute kissy and heart emojis at the end. She really was a good friend. She just wanted to see me happy. She probably also knew once I got on the plane I'd be a crying mess, and she would be there to hold my hand.

Someone from the hotel staff had already taken my bag downstairs and brought it to the car that was waiting. Harry and I sat on the sofa, kissing as though we may never see each other again. Okay, we were making out. And it might has well had been never, because it felt like it.

"I have to go, sugar," I whispered when our lips separated. "I wish I could stay here forever, but...I have to get home...and you need to finish your tour."

"Mmm," he sounded, staring at my mouth.

"We both have fans waiting," I smirked.

His face broke into a gorgeous grin and he nodded. "Yeah."

I kissed him again and started to rise from the couch when he pulled me back down.

"Stacey," he began. "There's more thing...we didn't fully discuss. The...elephant in the room, as it were."

I tilted my head. "What was that?"

"Um...when you'd have my baby."

"Oh!" I said with wide eyes. Then I began to giggle nervously, dismissing his comment with a wave of my hand. "Harry, that's...not important. Not now."

"Yes, it is," he argued. "Or it was. It seemed to be a pretty big deal to you before, enough for you to get upset and call the break."

I sighed. "Harry, was just...part of my many insecurities. I felt old."

"I don't want you to feel insecure," he said. "And you're certainly not old."

I smiled as I brushed the back of my hand against his cheek. "I know."

Taking a breath, I thought about my next words. "I suppose...when I was younger, starting a new and serious relationship entailed a lot of things. It meant thinking about the future, and that usually included the decision whether or not to have children. You still have that ahead of you. And I don't. It...made me sad."

"I understand that, baby. I just..." Harry paused, taking both of my hands in his, "I want you to know...that I might not be ready for that now...but that has nothing to do with how I feel about you. day when I am ready...I hope you're still mine...and...we'll work something out if we have to."


He chuckled low as he looked at our fingers. "I'm probably not explaining this right, but I hope you understand."

I lifted his chin with my hand. His green eyes sparkled as I gazed into them.

"I do, Harry."

His expression relaxed and he reached up to touch a curl on my shoulder, winding it around his pointer.

"In the meantime," he added, "I absolutely adore the children you already have. And it would be my take them to Disney World."

"Really?" I beamed.

"What do you say...after the end of tour?"

"I say that sounds wonderful."

Too Far From TexasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora