Chapter Four

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"So what did you two talk about?" Lorelei asked with a wink as she took a sip of her massive margarita.

I gave her a look as I dove into my nachos. I chewed my bite slowly and deliberately before placing the remaining chip back on the plate, wiping my mouth with the cloth napkin and reaching for my water glass, taking a long sip through the straw while I surveyed the area.

"Stacey!" Lorelei whined.

"Whaat?" I mimicked.

"Tell me. At least a little bit. Please?"

"We um...we talked about music. And the book. I told him about the book tour." I picked up my nacho again, dabbing guacamole on top.


"And...he made me laugh. He's really funny."

"Funny's good," Lorelei nodded. "Funny's real good."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean anything," I scowled. "Tod used to make me laugh."

Lorelei glared at me incredulously. "Why the hell would you wanna bring up Tod? What on earth would he have to compare with Harry Styles?"

"Shh," I sounded, pressing my finger to my lips.

Lowering her voice, she leaned over. "You've done this before, Stacey. You expect the worst. You need to allow yourself to be happy."

I shrugged. "It's just easier that way. I don't build myself up to be let down."

"He likes you."

I blinked, looking down at my plate.

"He wouldn't be calling you and sending you flowers and a catered lunch if he didn't."

I licked my lips and swallowed. "I like him too," I muttered.

"Mmm hmm," Lorelei sat back in her seat. I lifted my head to look at her.

"I like him a lot," I confessed.

"I know you do," she commented. "It's written all over your face."

I felt myself blush as I chuckled nervously, grabbing my napkin. "I feel so silly."


"Because...he's...him...and I' I'm not a kid."

"So what?" Lorelei rolled her eyes.

"I'm nearly twice his age," I added.

"So what?" she repeated. "He's an adult. If he had a problem with it, he wouldn't be contacting you."

I nodded. I knew she was right. The truth was I had a hard time accepting the fact that someone like Harry would be interested in someone like me. Even after the lovely evening we'd shared, topped off with that amazing kiss, and the fun phone conversation last night - I still couldn't believe this - whatever this was - could go anywhere. And that Harry was just being nice.

"Do you have a problem with it?" Lorelei inquired?

I pondered her question for a moment, my bottom lip jutting out. "No," I finally shook my head. "I guess not."

"Did he mention if he wants to see you again?"

I sighed. "Yes."

"Okay. And do you wanna see him?"

I grabbed my water glass again, taking a long slow sip. I felt myself grin as I set it back down.

"Yes," I nodded. "So much."

Lorelei threw up her hands with a smirk. "Well, there ya go. Done deal. Now let's celebrate."

I laughed when she waved the waiter over and ordered another margarita for me.

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