Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sweat dripped down my back and my heart beat rapidly in my chest as I climbed off Harry and collapsed onto my pillow. I turned my head to watch his profile, silhouetted in the dark by the light of the moon. I couldn't tell if his eyes were open, but his lips were parted as he let out heavy puffs of breath between them, his chest heaving in a corresponding rhythm with mine. He cursed low and reached out for my hand between us, grasping it with a tight grip.

Sex with Harry was always award-winning to me. Noteworthy. Something erotic novels are inspired by. We always left each other satisfied, though I still seemed to hunger for more, even if my dehydrated body thought otherwise.

He'd wanted me in the middle of the night again although we'd just made love a few hours before. He'd said he wanted to make the most of my time there, didn't want to waste a moment, even with sleep. He couldn't get enough of me, he'd said, and I'd let out an insatiable moan, opening up to him with pleasure before we switched positions and I'd hopped on top.

The truth was I hadn't been asleep. I'd lied awake for half an hour just after having another one of my nightmares. It hadn't been a long, detailed dream like the others. I didn't even think there had been dialogue. It was more about a feeling, an emotion. I was angry and humiliated. I stood in the middle of a large room, people surrounding the perimeter of it, watching me. I could feel my fists at my sides. They felt heavy, like someone was holding them down. I wanted to run away, but my feet wouldn't move. Then a man stepped into my view, standing right in front of me. He didn't look like Harry, or even Tod, but he resembled them both in a strange way. Again, it was just the feeling. Though he didn't speak or smile, I could sense the laughter in his eyes. He was mocking me. I lifted my arm finally, but it felt like I was holding a brick in my hand. I moved to strike him, but he grabbed my wrist in mid-air. That's when I'd woken up.

I very easily could have fallen back to sleep then after that workout with Harry, but my bladder and my dry throat wouldn't have it. After squeezing Harry's hand back, I released it and walked around the bed to the bathroom where I relieved myself and grabbed a bottle of water from the cabinet. Twisting the cap, I took several large gulps. Then I grabbed one more bottle and patted back to the bedroom.

"Ah, thanks love," Harry said groggily when I handed him the water.

I danced to the other side of the bed as Harry guzzled his water in less than five seconds, then he rose from the bed to make his own way to the bathroom. I watched his cute butt until it faded into the dark, then laid back on my pillow once again.

"I love you so much," I heard him murmur when he crawled back into bed.

"Mmm, I love you too, sugar," I said sleepily, starting to drift.

"Are you falling asleep?" He pulled me to him by my waist and pushed my hair from my face.


"Okay," he sighed. "I guess I'll let you."

I chuckled under my breath and puckered my lips for one last kiss. He took them eagerly, slipping his tongue in between.

"Harry..." I groaned as he made his way down my neck.

"Okay, okay," he pouted against my skin. "Sleep my love."

"You should sleep too," I insisted.

"I'd rather lie here and watch you."

I giggled with my eyes shut. "You're too much."

"No, you are," he said. "I can't believe I wasted three days having parties and taking phone calls when I could have been doing this."

"It was not time wasted, Harry."

"Maybe not. But if I didn't love music so much I'd just as soon stay here forever."

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