Genesis Rhapsodos x Reader- Denial vs Truth

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Dedicated to force-of-starwars and imasillyfangirl

"Infinite in mystery, is the gift of the Goddess. We seek it thus, and take to the sky."

"Ugh, Gen, stop!" you shout as you put your hands over your ears.

"And why should I?" Genesis asks as he flips a page in his most treasured possession, LOVELESS.

"You say it everyday for Crying-Out-Loud! Can't you just say it in your head?"

"The words would not be as powerful, now would they?" 

You roll your eyes.

"They're powerful alright... Powerful enough to cause a migraine," you say sarcastically.

The man chuckles.


You were wandering the halls of Shinra, as was your hobby whenever you weren't on missions or training. As you turned a corner, you saw Genesis sitting on a bench, reading LOVELESS.

You couldn't wrap your head around the fact that a man could get so caught up and obsessed over one single poem. It was just words on pages... well, to you it was. However, the poem did have it's benefits as well; it made Genesis good at writing poems himself and a bit of a romantic. You fell for him almost immediately. You were sure he had a thing for you as well, but not 100%. 

"Hey, Gen," you said as you walked over and sat down beside him.

"Hello, (y/n)," he replied.

"Let me take a guess, you're doing good?"

"Yes, I am. And I assume I could say the same thing about you?"

"For the most part, yes."

A few minutes of silence overtook you two. It was nice, yet uncomfortable at the same time. You looked at the man from the corner of your eye. Most of his face was hidden behind his brown hair, which in your mind was beyond beautiful, and his blue eyes moved as he scanned the page he was reading. You tried to imagine what it would be like if you were romantically involved with him. But you couldn't. Almost every woman who saw him, fell for him, like you had. He could have any woman he wanted, literally. 

You were so caught up in thought that you didn't notice Genesis's eyes turn to you.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

You snapped out of your trance and turned the other way in order for him to not notice the red invading your cheeks.

"Nothing! I was just lost in thought," you answered. Genesis raised a brow.

"I see... Were you perhaps fantasizing about me?" 

Your eyes widened and more red was slapped on your face.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because of the way you were looking at me. You looked a little sad. Why?"

"That's none of your business."

"Well, I think it is, since it's concerning me."

"I never told you I was thinking about you."

"You had a very dreamy look on your face, and you were looking at me. I'd have to say you were in fact thinking about me."

"I'm done talking to you," you stated as you got up and started walking away. However, you're stopped as you see Genesis's red rapier in front of you, blocking your path. You sighed.

"It's not very wise to deny the truth. Especially when it's obvious to others," he said in your ear from behind you. The touch of his breath sent light shivers up your spine.

"What are you trying to get at?" you asked as you turned around and faced him. He gives you a smirk, sending even more shivers through.

"I want you to admit the truth that you are, from my point of view, in love with me," he said confidently. You froze. 

Was it that obvious?

"And why should I do that?" you asked.

"Because you shouldn't deny your feelings for me when we both know the truth."

Your mind was a complete roller coaster of thought; Did he actually know or was he manipulating you? If he did, how long did he know? What was his motive? Was he trying to gain something from this? Was this a prank? Was he seducing you like he did with other women? Or...

Was he trying to say that he...

Your heart-rate went up at the thought.

"If I was 'in love'  with you, what would it matter to you anyway?"

Genesis took his free arm and wrapped it around your waist and gently pulled you toward him until you were firmly strapped to his body. Never being this close to him before, you finally realized how tall and broad his frame was compared to yours. There was no doubt he could feel the strong pumping of your heart and see the red on your visage, which matched the colour of his coat. 

"It would mean a lot actually," he whispered. 

You gulped and your heart skipped a beat.

"Really now?" you asked him. You could see yourself in his clear blue eyes. You wondered what he saw behind them.

"Really," he confirmed as he cupped the side of your face with his gloved hand and bent down. You, in return, put your hands on his chest and slowly started to stand on your tippy-toes, fluttering your eyes closed. The more closer you got, the more you could feel his warmth and inhale his heavenly scent.

Soon enough, your lips intertwined with his, sending an electric current through your body and leaving you helpless in the handsome SOLDIER's strong arms.


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