Angeal Hewley x Reader- Angel

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It was a complete nightmare for you and your friend Zack. Genesis had betrayed Shinra, Sephiroth has gone insane and become a mass murderer. Not only that, but your very own mentor had just revealed that he was siding with the enemy. However, to be honest, you couldn't really tell who the real enemy was anymore. Everyone was turning on each other. Some were blaming Shinra for their misery, Shinra was blaming them... You had absolutely no idea who to believe! Nevertheless, you did trust your partner-in-training Zack above anybody else as he too was just as lost and confused as you were. Deciding to take a short break from all the mayhem, both of you quickly fled to Zack's hometown, Gongaga.

It had only been almost a week into your stay. Zack and his parents were very kind and generous to you, but you still couldn't shake off all the troubled thoughts swirling in your head. There was just so much going on that it was hard to be at ease. After a while, Zack spoke up about your condition and recommended a place that would most likely help you relax.

"So, where exactly are you taking me?" you asked Zack as he was guiding you to an unknown location. What feuled your curiosity even more was the fact that he made you wear only a white bathrobe. The boy simply turned his head and smiled.

"You'll see. We're just about there," he replied in his normal cheerful tone. You rolled your eyes and continued to follow him through the woods beside the village.


Soon, you two reached a cave deep within the woods and when you went into the heart of the chamber, you were to shocked for words. Inside was a beautiful, dark cavern with green fireflies providing light. Not only that, but there was a large pool in the centre giving off steam; a hot spring.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" you exclaimed with awe. Zack put on a cheeky grin.

"I knew you'd like it. I used to come here all the time as a kid. Don't think anyone back home knows about it," he explained. You turned to him with a smile.

"Thanks, Zack. I really appreciate this."

"No problem. I'll be back in about 2 hours, so go ahead and relax for a while."

After a brief farewell, Zack exited the cave while you walked towards the water. You took a few moments just to digest the breathtaking scenery around you. It was certainly a piece of work. You took a deep breath and began to untie the robe. Then, just as a part of the garment began to fall off your shoulders...


You shrieked as the deep voice called out behind you. In lightning speed, you closed up the robe and turned around, only to have your mouth covered by a gloved hand and your Mako-blue eyes staring right into another identical pair. The face was immediately recognized: It was Angeal. You swiftly peeled off his large hand and backed a few steps away.

"Dammit, Angeal! Don't do that!" you yelled.

"I'm sorry, but I had to clarify something with you alone," he said in his usual serious voice, his expression no different.

"About what? You being a backstabbing traitor? Sorry, but you're out of luck there, pal." Ever since his betrayal, you had grown to resent your mentor, whom you previously had feelings for unfortunately...

"No. Not that. It's about you," Angeal said. You raised a brow.

"What about me?"

"You and Zack are in danger."

"Yeah. In danger of you. Now leave." It was very hard for you, but you couldn't help but be cold and rude to him. He did almost kill you once. His expression turned frustrated and he stepped even closer to you.

"(Y/n), this is serious," Angeal stated, putting his large hands on your shoulders, keeping you in place. You secretly wished you had brought some sort of weapon. "Sephiroth and Genesis are after you two. They're becoming more dangerous by the day. I know a place where you can hide..."

Before he could finish his explanation, you tore away from his firm grip and turned your back to him.

"No! You really think I'm going to trust you after what you did?! Don't make me laugh! Now go!"

"I had good reason to do what I did!" Angeal raised his voice a little, but it didn't faze you. You turned around to face him. You couldn't believe that you once thought he was such a good, self-sacrificing man and actually fell in love with him.

"A good reason?" you asked sarcastically.

"Yes. Shinra made Sephiroth, Genesis, and I all monsters. Now, look at what we've become." As he was speaking, a white wing started to emerge from his back. Silence loomed for a few moments. "Tell me, (y/n), what do you see?" He was referring to the wing.

"...An angel's wing."

"Really? And what do you suppose angels only dream of?" You remained silent for his answer. "To be human."

"And what do you think humans dream of, hm?" His blue eyes widened slightly at your statement. He knew what you were getting at. "You are not a monster. A monster is someone who does evil and loves it. You are not that kind of person. What happened to all that 'having dreams and honour' crap you used to ramble on about? Stop being such an idiot and look at bigger picture. Just because you have wings means you're a monster? Come on! You're becoming less and less of the man that I-"

Before you had time to finish your speech, Angeal swiftly took hold of your waist and pulled you into a kiss. Your eyes shot out wide, breathing stopped, and the complexion of your visage turned a vibrant red. Why was he kissing you? And so suddenly at that? You had no idea, but decided to go along with it since you always dreamed of Angeal locking lips with you.

You wrapped your arms around his broad neck, while he gripped your hips as your lips moved in sync. In that moment, you forgot why you were mad at him and surrendered to the feeling of his lips on yours.


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