Reno x Reader- Mistletoe

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Dedicated to Faythless and Sans_the_pun_bonebag

*(A/N)-This one-shot is in honour of upcoming Christmas:) It will also be longer that normal if you don't mind.*

It was Christmas Eve in Midgar. The town's people were busy buying gifts, putting up decorations, and spending time with family.

The Shinra company, as busy as they were, also celebrated the special holiday.  It was an annual Christmas party and all the staff of the conglomerate were invited.

Such as you, a Turk.

You were actually looking forward to the rare occasion of entertainment. Having no family in the city, you saw the party as a good way to spend it with your friends.

(Having nothing fancy to wear, you decided to just wear your usual Turk uniform without the jacket.)


The party was going very well. You socialized with a number of your good friends; as well as occupying yourself with watching some of the hired bands perform.

However, half way into the festivities, a certain red-head slumped into the seat beside you. You were in the bar section.

"Hey, (y/n)! To be honest, I didn't expect to see you here... Especially dressed like that!" Reno droned out.

Great. Just my luck.

"Hey Reno," you said in an indifferent voice, bringing the rim of your glass up to your lips to take another sip of your water. You didn't even bother to look at him.

"Ouch. Someone's in a bad mood," he said. He then ordered the strongest alcoholic drink there was. You rolled your eyes.

Reno had always been a drinker... and a player. Much to your annoyance and displeasure.

Why do I like him again?

"So, what'd I miss yo?" he asked as he drummed his fingers on the bar counter in a rhythmic, but obviously impatient manner.

"Nothing much. A couple of bands and choirs sung a few songs, but that's about it," you replied, facing the opposite way of the man, resting your chin in your hand.

"Huh. Typical. A party never starts 'til I'm around. Isn't that right?"

You couldn't help but chuckle at his cocky statement.

"True, true." You finally turned to face Reno. Your heartbeat slightly raised as you saw him wearing a fine white silk suit. You also realized just how close he was to you. You gulped lightly.

"Hey, just curious, but did you happen to bring any friends?" Reno asked, raising a brow. You frowned in confusion.


"Like any lady friends?"

Everything, inside and out, dropped. Of course.

"No. I don't have any friends outside work," you stated with the same mono-toned voice you had before, turning away from the red-head again.

"Whoa. You really like work then, don't you?" Reno asked. The bartender then came with his drink. He started to drink it without saying thank you.

"It's not that work is my entire life! It's just that with bring a Turk, it drains all of my energy by the time I get home. You can understand that, can't you?" you asked him.

"Uh-huh," was all he uttered in response. You turned to face him; he was looking somewhere behind your shoulder. You turned around and saw a couple of women with loads of makeup on and indecently short dresses casually conversing and giggling.

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