Sephiroth x OC- Too Stubborn

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Angeal, Zack, and Genesis were at a small table in the Shinra cafeteria, thinking. The trio were trying to put together a plan that involved getting either Ammia or Sephiroth to confess their feelings to each other. Everyone but the both of them knew the fact they were head over heels. And it bothered their friends to the point where they had to get them together. Nevertheless, she and Sephiroth were just too stubborn to down-right confess.

"Hey, how about-! ...Wait... Never mind," Zack said, getting excited then quickly drooped as he put a second thought into his plan.

"What is it?" Angeal asked, purely just to get a break from all the long thinking. His protege waved his hand.

"Nothing. It's not a good idea."

"You got quite jumpy for a moment. Why don't you tell us?" Genesis asked Zack, also trying to give his poor brain a break.

"Well... Again, this might not be a good idea, but..."


In the end, the three men revised Zack's original plan and made it, what they thought, was the best solution to the problem. While Zack was talking to Ammia in the training room, Genesis and Angeal were leading Sephiroth to the same room.

"Hey, Ammia, I wanted to ask you something," Zack chirped. The young girl swung her sword one last time before turning to her friend and removing a strand of pink hair out of her face. Her light pink eyes returned to their normal blue colour after she stopped moving.

"Yes?" Ammia asked.


"And you two are dragging me down here, why?" Sephiroth asked as he followed his two best friends to the training room, both secretly grinning from ear to ear.

"You'll see when you get there," Angeal replied in a teasing tone. Genesis let out a faint chuckle. The silver-haired SOLDIER's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He knew they were up to something. However, he decided to go along with it. Sephiroth was positive that they wouldn't be bold enough to pull some sort of stupid prank on him. He would kill both of them in the blink of an eye, perhaps even less.


"I know this is way out of the blue, but I need you to confirm something for me," Zack said. Right then and there, the trio of men were nearing the door to the room. It was open.

"You like Sephiroth, right?"

At the mention of his name and the context of the question, Sephiroth stopped dead in his tracks. Who was Zack talking to? And why was he asking that kind of question?

Ammia's cheeks grew warm as she processed what Zack had just asked her.

"Why would you ask me something like that?"

At the sound of Ammia's voice, Sephiroth's breath got stuck in his throat and his heart started to increase in speed. He turned to glance at his fellow SOLDIERS, only to find them gone.

"That doesn't matter. I just wanna know, that's all. You know I'm a curious cat," Zack said, stepping closer to Ammia. After a few seconds, she sighed in defeat.

"Okay, fine. So, what if I do?"

Sephiroth's cat-like green eyes widened to their fullest extent, his heart beating almost too fast and heavy for his taut chest to contain. Did he hear that right? Was his mind deceiving him? Was it actually Ammia who was saying these words, or was it simply another girl who sounded like her? He wasn't sure, but he had to find out.

Zack looked over his shoulder, and saw what appeared to be Sephiroth's coat through the ajar door. He smirked. It looked like his plan really did work after all.

"Oh, nothing~" Zack cooed, "I just wanna know what you like about him."

Ammia raised a brow.

"And why is that? You just asked me if I liked him and you got the answer. Why would you want to know what I like about him?" she asked.

"Well, actually, it's not me that really wants to know... but I bet it he does!" Zack stepped to the side and the tall and mighty Sephiroth came into Ammia's view. Now it was her turn to have an increased heartbeat and difficulty breathing.

Despite the roller coaster of excitement he was feeling, Sephiroth maintained a serious, haughty poker-face.

"Uh..." Ammia was at a loss for words. She was scared. She knew that Sephiroth had heard her. What was he going to say? What was he going to do?

"Zack. Leave, now," Sephiroth ordered. Zack stood up straight and gave his superior a solute with a big smile.

"Yes, Sir!" And just like that, he was gone. The 1st class SOLDIER took a few steps towards the flustered, nervous girl, over-towering her 5'3" frame.

"Is it true? You like me?" he asked, still keeping on his poker-face. Ammia swallowed, hard. She was completely speechless. She couldn't think of anything to say. She couldn't think of any puns or jokes that she would normally use to get her out of situations like this. It was as if her brain had stopped functioning completely. So, after a few seconds of mental turmoil, she decided to just be honest.

"Yes, it's true," she said in a blunt, embarrassed tone. The 2nd class SOLDIER tilted her head down in shame. Ammia was sure her relationship with Sephiroth, whether friendly or professional, was over. However, just before she could run off, a gloved hand grasped the tip of her chin and lifted it up, causing her to look into the eyes of her mentor and crush. And to the girl's surprise, he had a smile on his face.

"I like you as well."

Unbeknownst to both of them, Angeal, Genesis, and Zack were peaking out from the corner, watching with proud smiles on their faces.


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