Sephiroth x Reader- Last Words

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Dedicated to Layla_Caelum

It was grey. It was wet. It was cold.

The clouds released their tears from the sky to the ground below. The drops hit your body relentlessly, washing away the dirt and blood that lingered on your clothes and skin.

It was hard to see. Your vision was blurred and your senses were starting to fade. The raindrops, even though they were light in weight, caused the horrid pain in your body to get worse with each little touch. In your head, you were screaming in agony, but your voice didn't even utter the quietest moan.

(Y/n)! ... (Y/n)!

That voice... It sounded familiar. But you couldn't tell who as it was too echoic and distant to confirm.

Soon, a figure came into your poor vision. The blur in your eyesight became stronger with each second.

(Y/n)! (Y/n), answer me!

The distorted voice became more pronounced, which made it easier to recognize the speaker.

"" your broken voice uttered.

(Y/n), listen to me! You're going to be alright!

It was getting hard to keep your eyes open, very hard. You felt your strong, fast heartbeat slow down rapidly. Your vision got increasingly darker and darker until... you could barely see anything.

You knew...

This was the end.

No, (y/n)! Don't leave me! Don't you dare leave me! (Y/N)!

You were losing consciousness fast. This was your only and last chance to do something you should have done oh, so long ago. This was your biggest regret. You had to get it off your dying heart before it was far too late. You cursed yourself for not doing this sooner. For you had finally realized that it would have been worth it all along.



"I... love... you..."

Those were the last words your lips ever spoke before...

Your heart took its last beat.

Your nose inhaled its last scent.

Your tongue took its last taste.

Your body felt its last touch.

Your eyes saw their last sight.

Your ears heard their last sound.

Your lungs inhaled their last breath...

                                                                          And you were gone.


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