Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Busted

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Dedicated to -SilfarionStar-, The_al_bhed, and _BellaxBeba_

Tapping your foot impatiently against the marble floor, you scanned the surrounding halls, which were all black. You were currently waiting for the handsome prince of Lucis to come out of a meeting that was probably boring him to death.

The large clock that rested on the wall above your head was ticking loudly and frantically, making you grow even more impatient to the point where you were sure that you would become insane if the waiting kept up.

10 agonizing minutes later, the large black steel doors opened up. You stood up srtaight and still like a statue with an expressionless face: you were a palace guard.

And the prince's secret lover.

King Regis and his old butler came out of the room. As they were approaching, the king gave you a heart-warming smile.

"Good afternoon, (y/n)," he said with a formal yet serene tone.

"As to you, Your Majesty," you replied in the same manner, bowing respectively.

"I would like to talk, however, I am a little tired and wish to rest," he said with regret in his voice as he placed his hand on your shoulder.

"You do whatever you wish, Your Majesty. I do not mind at all." He smiled.

"Thank you for your patience with me."

"But of course."

Soon, Noctis came out of the room as well.

"Well, I'd better leave and sleep before my advisers keep me trapped with their rambling talk," Regis joked. You both chuckled.

"Well, I pray you get a satisfying rest, Your Majesty."

"Thank you very much. Have a lovely day, (y/n)."

"And you as well."

The king's clacking footsteps against the floor faded as he moved farther away. In a matter of seconds, they could no longer be heard.

Before you had time to register what was going on, Noctis yanked you from the wrist and began fleeing from the scene.

"Whoa, Noct, wait!" You pleaded, trying to match his speedy steps.

"I already waited an hour and a half for this. Like hell I'm gonna wait!" he shouted back. This made the tiniest hue of pink snatch hold of your cheeks.

Soon, Noctis pushed you into a storage room in the basement of the palace. It wasn't that bad, but it was a little cluttered. However, it had plenty of room for two bodies to fit in it.

Noctis searched left and right to make sure the coast was clear. When that was confirmed, he shut the door. Again, before you could register the movements around you, Noctis pulled you in and hastily pushed his lips on yours. You immediately kissed back.

Because you were a servant in the palace, you and the prince didn't exactly match when it came to social status. Thus, you two had to meet in private in order to be intimate like this. You both had never told anyone about it and did everything you could not to give the slightest detail away.

Noctis's hands were placed firmly on your hips while his lips were aggressively yet passionately attacking yours. You had your hands on his shoulders and melted with every kiss.

When you had to break for air, Noctis groaned out: Man that meeting was boring."

You chuckled and nuzzled your nose with his.

"Try having to stand all alone for that hour," you said.

"Try having to listen to people speak about things you don't understand." You both laughed. "Anyway, where were we?"


You kissed the young prince again. You cupped the side of his handsome, pale face with one hand whilst having the other knotted up in his pitch-black, soft ebony hair. One of his hands held the back of your head, trying to deepen the kiss.

Ever so slowly, and almost shyly, his other hand grabbed the back of your knee and lifted your leg up to have it hook over his hip...



You both practically jumped at the sounds. When your eyes shot open, you realized there was light in the room... coming from the door.


You turned to see Prompto, with his smartphone pointed at you and the biggest childish grin on his face.

Both of you lovebirds had faces that were beet-red and eyes as wide as golf balls. Not only that, you were still holding each other the same way before Prompto barged in.

"Let's see how the king and Ignis feel about this~!" the blonde boy exclaimed with the same ear-to-ear smile plastered on his face.

"PROMPTO! YOU'RE DEAD!" Noctis screamed as he chased his friend-traitor- down the hall.

You gave an amused and embarrassed giggle as you listened to the two boys' commotion echo through the basement.


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