Squall Leonhart x Reader- New Beginning

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*(A/N)- This is an AU.*

You sat alone by the window of the night club. Even though you were outside, the blaring music made it seem as though you were right near the speakers. You had recently moved into the city due to your father getting a job transfer. You didn't like it though. Your family had always lived in rural areas or small towns and villages. But, never in a large city. Although there were a lot of interesting and exciting places to visit in your new home, the thing that really sucked was that you had no friends. Everyone around your age was wild and obnoxious and it was hard to connect to them.

As you sat on the ledge staring at all the seemingly drunken people jumping up and down to the music, something stood out. It was a boy. You couldn't tell what the colour of his hair or clothes were as the flickering lights were painting him with multiple colours. He was speed-walking and trying to catch up with a girl who was walking away. You assumed that they were a couple and in an argument. As the boy tried to talk, the girl kept on turning away. Finally, the boy gave a gesture that signified that he gave up on his efforts and stormed away from the young woman. With a forceful kick, the back door burst open and the man came out.

You were finally able to make him out more clearly. He had brown hair with a black jacket that had white fur around the hem and hood. He was pretty good-looking in your opinion. Even though you didn't know him, you still felt pretty sorry for him. As he walked away, you suddenly got the urge to speak up, which was fairly unlike you.

"Problems?" you asked. The brunette boy halted and turned around and his angry blue eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones. His eyes then scanned your form from top to toe. You assumed that was what he did with everyone he met.

"Not anymore," he replied in a sulky tone.

"I see," you stated, not knowing what to say.

"Why are out here? Shouldn't you be inside partying like everyone else?"

"I don't know anyone."

"New here, I assume?"

"Yep. Just yesterday," you replied as you made your way towards him.

"Huh. Must be tough then," the boy said as you two started walking together down the dim-lit street.


Over the course of a month, you and the boy, Squall, had become close friends. Every night, you would meet at the old city bridge and talk. Both of you listened to whatever the other said and gave advice and encouragement. Because of that, you found yourself beginning to fall for him. But, you kept quiet as you weren't sure about his feelings.


"You sure it's okay to come here?" you asked. The other night, Squall had asked you out, which you gladly accepted... but, you never imagined it would be at the same dance club that you had met at. (Which was also the same one that he had broken up with his ex, Rinoa.)

"Of course it's okay to come here. Why do you ask?" Squall replied.

"Oh, no reason. Just asking." You decided it was best to go along with everything. You didn't want to ruin this night.


After about an hour of sitting, talking, and dancing to songs you knew that would occasionally come on, a slow, romantic song filled the room.

"Alright, everybody! This goes out to all the lovebirds out there!" the DJ announced. Squall turned to you and held out his hand.

"Care to dance?" he asked. You smiled.

"I'd love to," you replied as took his hand in yours. As you entered the middle of the dance floor, the lights dimmed and caused the room to become red. You formed a ring around his neck with your arms as his formed a ring around your back. Both of you gracefully swayed side to side along with the music as you gazed into each other's eyes, getting hypnotized with every passing second. At some point, Squall put on a light smile.

"I'm glad I met you when I did," he said. You were thankful that the red light mixed with your blush to make it invisible.

"Same here," you replied with a shy smile. Then, ever so slowly, both of you started to lean towards one another, gazes constantly flickering between eyes and lips. And soon, Squall pulled your body against his, erasing all space between you and your lips eventually connected, causing everyone and everything to become meaningless in that moment, even the music became distant.

You knew that this was a new beginning for both of you, and a good one at that.


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