Chapter 3: The worst of times and The best of Times

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For 2 days straight days. Kelly had spent with Kenny. She hadn't seen or been with Evan since he kicked her out. But she didn't really care for Evan the way she cared for Kenny. "Good morning" he greeted her as he handed her a cup of coffee. "Thanks" she took a sip. "I have to ask you something" Kenny said "What is it?"she asked "When are you gonna talk to Evan" he asked. Kelly looked down and sighed. "I don't want to talk to him" she said "But you have to" Kenny replied. "Why?" Kelly asked "Because it's important you guys talk" he answered "Kenny I have nothing to say to him he asked for the truth and I gave it to him" kelly said "Please" Kenny pleaded. Kelly rolled her eyes and smiled at him. "Fine if it makes you happy then I'll talk to him" she finally said "Thank you" he kissed her cheek .

Michelle and Ron have finally decided to tell Will about Ron being his dad. "You ready" Michelle asked "Ready as I'll ever be" he said they both nodded at each other and walked into Will's room "Will honey we need to talk" Michelle said "Whatever it is mom I didn't do it " Will said not paying attention. "No you're not in trouble we just need to talk" Michelle said "What about him being here" Will asked "Yes this has something to do with him so" Michelle sat next to Will. "Honey um you know how I said that you're dad died" Michelle started saying and Will nodded "Well Ron is you're father" Michelle said and Will looked at Ron and back at Michelle. "So you lied to me" he asked Ron nodded "Hi son" Ron chuckled nervously "I don't want to talk to you ever again!" Will hollered and ran off. "Well we tried" Michelle said "Well we need to try harder" Ron said then walked after Will and Michelle followed Will out of the room. Will was sitting on the couch crossing his arms "Look Will I know that this is hard news to take" Ron said as he sat next to him "No you don't" Will said "Yea I do when I was about your age my mom died" he said "Really?" will asked "Yeah it was hard for my dad to tell me so he told me that she ran off then when I was about 11 he had said she didn't run off she died" Ron looked at him "Really" will asked "So don't be mad at you're mom" Ron said "Okay I'm sorry mom" he said Michelle nodded "How can I stay mad at you" she said "What about me" Ron asked Will "Well do you like video games" will asked "Well who doesn't" Ron answered "I don't know" will stood up "Let's  go" Ron said and Ron followed will into his room.

Beyonce and Shawn at their counseling

They walked in the office. "Okay so what seems to be the problem" the counselor asked. "Well Mr. Richards my husband and I are having problems since I filed for divorce but not going through with it" Beyonce explained "Why did you file for divorce" he asked "Well I just did it because I thought he would pay more attention to me" Beyonce admitted "So your feeling neglected? " Mr. Richard asked.

Beyonce nodded in agreement "Well you could've said something not file a divorce on me" Shawn said "Well I didn't think you would listen" Beyonce said "Shawn would you had listened to her" he asked "I don't know maybe" Shawn said "what do you mean maybe" Beyonce questioned.

"I meant what I said" Shawn said "Well do you feel like your around your wife a lot" he asked "I don't know but she's out too" Shawn pointed out "Do you miss her when she's gone" Mr. Richards asked "Yes" Shawn nodded "Well that's what your wife feels like right now" Mr. Richards said "Is that right? " he added Beyonce nodded "yes it is" " babe I'm so sorry I didn't know" he said "you know what how about tonight we go to dinner" he said then stood up she took his and he help her up and walked out of the office together.

It was time for Kelly to talk to Evan. she knocked on the door of his apartment they both shared he opened it slowly.  "Kelly?" he answered "What are you doing here he asked "I'm here to talk" she said "Then come in" he said she walked in and everything looked different even the couch was different it was blue when she left the couch was red he shut the door and she sat on the sofa Evan joined her. "so what's up" he asked "well I don't know how to say this but I" she sighed deeply "I want a divorce" "what?" he asked "why?" " I think you know why Evan" she said "Cause you don't love me" he asked "Is it because of Kenny" "A little" kelly answered "But doesn't mean I don't love you it's just" "You love him more" Evan interrupted "I'm so sorry Evan but it's for the best right" kelly said " I still love you I always will" kelly added "But it's not enough" Evan said "I'll see you around" kelly said "You mean in court" Evan said she walked to the door. "Goodbye Evan" he said "Bye kelly" he said she slowly walked out.

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