Chapter17 baby baby baby

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So kelly is now nine months pregnant and not the easiest woman to please at all. Bey and Michelle are here for her sense Marlon is out of town and Michelle asked Ron to take Will for the weekend to get to know Ron's side of the family and Shawn was at his grandmother's funeral yes he decide to go.

So it was just the three of them for a while.

"Here you go kelly" Michelle had a sandwich and fries on a plate exactly what she asked for she took one bite and "this is disgusting" Michelle rolled her eyes "it's what you wanted" bey said popping up by Michelle "I know it's you're favorite" Michelle added "yea but this is just gross" kelly said "Fine do you want anything to drink" bey asked "yea can you make me some decaf coffee" she asked "fine" Michelle said.

They both walked out the room and then they walked down stairs "I can't take her anymore" Michelle said "she's pregnant" bey said "doesn't mean she has to change her mind every ten minutes" Michelle added "don't forget to add extra creamer!" kelly yelled from upstairs, Michelle groaned "3 more weeks" bey said "I know it feels like it's so much longer than that" Michelle said "where's my coffee" kelly demanded. Then finally the coffee was done and they carried 3 cups up to kelly. "here you go" bey handed the cup to her,kelly took a big sip of it while Michelle and bey waited for her reaction "it's not bad" kelly said "thank god" Michelle muttered to bey. Bey and Michelle sat at the end of the bed, it was silent "so kelly are you having a boy or girl" bey asked "does it matter" kelly snapped at bey "yes it does missy" Michelle said "well I'll guess will find out when it gets here" kelly said "don't you wanna know" bey asked "I don't know okay why are you two asking me so many questions I just don't know" kelly cried her emotions were like a roller coaster up and down.

Michelle and bey looked puzzled at each other, bey walked over to kelly "its okay honey don't cry" bey said Michelle just rolled her eyes at her. kelly then stopped crying and Michelle the walked over by kelly where bey was "is there anything else you need" bey asked, Michelle prayed she wouldn't asked her that "well there is a few things I need from the store" kelly said as she got out a list from her night stand and handed it to bey "wow that's a long list" Michelle muttered bey jabbed her in the ribs "We would love to get them for you " Michelle said "thank you guys" kelly said "no problem anything for you right Michelle" bey asked "sure yea anything" Michelle said and they both laughed nervously.

The two both went to the store "okay not trying to sound like a total bitch but why are we doing this" Michelle asked as they walked into the store.

"Because kelly is our friend and you know we owe her this much" bey said "okay okay you're right" Michelle said "what's the first thing on the list" "cervix lotion" bey read "what the hell is that" Michelle asked "let's go find out" bey said after about 45 minutes they found it and number two also which was a diaper bag then after that was coca butter for the stretch marks then was birthing towels which were like regular towels. then after that was a heated blanket.

After about a few hours Michelle and bey were exhausted "okay anything else" Michelle asked "No that's all lets go" bey said. they rode back to Kelly's house. Kelly was now laying on the couch watching tv and crying. Michelle and bey walked in with bags "hey guys" kelly greeted them "hey honey have you been crying" Michelle asked "oh it's this sad commercial it's about a kid who can't go outside and play because he has allergies" kelly cried "well anyway we got all the stuff you wanted" Michelle said "oh thank you guys" kelly said as she stood up "no problem" bey said "yea we love you" Michelle said "thank you" kelly said and they all hugged each other "oh" "what's wrong" bey asked kelly "nothing I'm fine go take these bags up to my room" kelly said "can I get a please" bey asked "now" kelly demanded bey hurried and took them upstairs,"oh" "kelly are you sure you're okay" Michelle asked as she led kelly to the couch "yeah I said I was fine" kelly said "okay you promise" "yes I promise" "okay the bags are all in you're closet okay" bey said as she walked back down stairs "thank you" kelly said "well I'm gonna go I have to run some errands" bey said "bey wait uh why don't tonight we have a little get together" kelly "sure kel I'll invite my sister and my cousin Angie is also coming in town" bey said as she was gonna leave "okay later" bey said. then left

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