Chapter 9 Men these days

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Last chapter Kenny died and kelly met someone else his name is Marlon who was very smitten with her but is not going to date him until she's good and ready, because you know she was married then her husband died on top of all that she's pregnant. Michelle and Liam kissed, Liam told her that he was with someone and Michelle told him that every man she meets either is married or has a damn girlfriend but she really likes Liam and she's  not gonna be the good girl any more she's gonna take a little risk. So Beyonce is sick in bed and now shawn is taking care of her but when she gets mad and pushes him off the deep end what will happen then....

Kelly let Marlon buy the house and he wanted to thank her for it so he went to her office to asked her out to lunch he knocked on the door to her office she said come in "oh  hi marlon" she said as she struggled to stand up "what are you doing here" she asked "oh I wanted to come by to thank for letting me buy at a lower price" he said "You're welcome" she said to him "and I also wanted to ask you out for lunch" he added "I don't think so" she said then sat back down in her chair "why not" he asked "don't you think it's a little pushy for you to ask out a woman for lunch who is pregnant and a widow" she said and sighed deeply "I'm sorry I didn't know" he apologized " It's not you're fault I mean it's only been a month in a half since my husband died and I feel like if I get close to you, you'll slip away" she admitted he sighed "its just lunch" he says  "I promise I won't leave when the bill comes" he added she chuckled and looked at him "Fine" she said then struggled to stand up and they went to lunch.

"So tell me a little about yourself" Kelly asked "well I have a really big family and I'm the youngest" he said "how many siblings" she asked "10" he said kelly started coughing "what?" kelly asked he nodded yes "you're not serious" "yes" he said "really?" kelly thought "you have a big family" marlon asked "no just me and my mom" kelly said "and my baby" she added "How long were you and your husband married" he asked "about a few months then he died" she replied "May I ask how?" he said nicely. "He got in a car accident then he had surgery then he had a bone infection that killed him" kelly said "I'm sorry" he said "I'm doing better" she said "That's good" marlon said.

Beyonce was still sick in bed with the flu and her mom and sister refused to take care of her, so Shawn had to "Here babe I made you some soup" he said as he slowly walked so it wouldn't drip "And where's my tea" she asked "I'll get that in a minute" he said then handed her the bowl of soup "but I want it now" Beyonce whined "okay I'm going I'm going" he said "well hurry up" she demanded "YOU CAN WALK" he yelled "oh I'm sorry I thought my husband would take care of me while I'm sick!!" She yelled back he didn't say anything to her he just walked out of the room "Damn" she whispered.

At the office Liam and Michelle were avoiding each other even though Liam worked for her. he entered her office she made eye contact with him and walked out "Hey come back here" she ordered he slowly walked back in the office "Why have you been avoiding me" Michelle asked "Why have you been avoiding me" he asked back "Because I feel like it" Michelle said " I feel like avoiding you too" Liam said "fine then" she said "fine too" he said then walked away.

Later that day Beyonce was feeling better so Michelle her and kelly also Solange met up at Michelle's house.

They all sat in the living room together and talked "guys I have something to tell you" kelly said they all paid the attention to her "I met someone" she said they all looked puzzled at her "his name is Marlon" "wait do you like him" Michelle asked "well I don't know"kelly said "but he's really nice" kelly added "well kelly I don't think you should get close to someone this soon" Beyonce said "I know I told him that and he said her understood"" kelly said Beyonce scoffed "what?" kelly said "thats what all men say to women who are vulnerable and lonely" bey said "lonely" kelly stood up "vulnerable" she added "kelly she didn't mean it" Michelle said "please thats what she said" kelly said "I'm not lonely I'm just I'm just uh" kelly thought and slowly sat back in the chair with Michelle helping her "I am lonely" Beyonce sighed she didn't mean to say it "kelly look I'm sorry" Beyonce said "well you're right" kelly said "well I didn't want to be right" Beyonce said "Guys I have something very important to tell you" Solange blurted out they all looked at her they had forgot she was there "What is it" bey asked not wanting to hear another dang announcement "well Evan ask me to Marry him" she said "he what?" Kelly asked "I thought you broke up with him because he cheated on you with kelly" Michelle said "well he said he was very sorry and we went out on a few more dates then he ask me to marry him" she said "and you said no right" bey said "I said maybe" Solange said they all looked at each other then back at Solange.

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