Chapter 19: Babies and men can be stressful

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Well last time Kelly finally had her baby his name is Kenny Junior and found more on Kenny's death also her and Marlon aren't together anymore so you know and bey kinda wants to have another baby but she's still in a rut about that. Michelle's baby daddy Ron is dating Beyonce's cousin Angie also Solange is having a baby boy soon.

Well it was about two days after junior was born. Kelly was getting stressed between her job and having a baby it was not easy doing this by herself and she wished she had help of some kind.

Well when she finished breast feeding Junior she put him in his crib when the door bell rang she walked to it. It was marlon "Hi" she answered "You're not pregnant anymore" he said not really the kind of greeting she was looking for "yea I know" kelly said "well I brought you some flowers" he handed her the bouquet of roses "thank you" she said "so is it a boy or girl" he asked "A boy his name is Junior" she said "that's nice can I come in" he asked "sure" she said he walked and sat on the couch "so I'm guessing you didn't just come by to just give me flowers" she said "no I didn't I came by to tell you that I want us to be together kelly" he said and stood up "Marlon" "no kelly I love you I've never been with another women like you" he said "I don't know" she said he then forcefully kissed her kelly didn't push him off he let go "get out" she said "what?" he asked "just please leave for right now Marlon" she insisted he didn't question anything he just walked out she slammed the door when he left.

Well Michelle had invited Liam to lunch and they had a lot to talk about."so I have to ask" Michelle said as thy took they're seats at the tables "shoot" he said "Well did you talk to you're wife" she asked "yes I did we our getting a divorce" he said "Wow that's great" Liam looked at her puzzled "I mean its not great well.." "please stop talking" he said and they both laughed "So how are you" he asked "I'm good kelly had her baby" Michelle said "thats good" he nodded "can I ask you something" Michelle asked "sure" he said "well uh I don't know if you know this or not but I have a son and I want you to meet him" Michelle said Liam smiled "wow I don't know what to say" "It's okay if you don't want to" Michelle confirmed "well don't hate me I say yes" he said she smiled at him "I love you" he said Michelle didn't respond no guy in this world thats she ever been with said I love you first it was odd.  "I love you too" she answered.

Bey was fixing up the house for Shawn he was gonna be home from his grandmothers funeral maybe tired and sad he walked through the door "Hey babe" he said as he got through the door "oh hey honey" she greeted him and hugged him he kissed her cheek "I see you missed me" he said "well I did and I have so much to tell you" she said and they walked to the couch together "I have something to tell you to" he said "but you go first tell me what I missed" he said as he laughed a little. "Well kelly had her baby while we were at her house and its a boy" bey said "That's great" Shawn said "I know he's really cute" bey said "I have something to tell you" Shawn said "okay" bey waited for him to tell her "well my mom has cancer" he said "what?" she asked "and I want her to move in with us for a while" he said "what" that's all bey could say at this point "oh shawn I don't know" bey responded "Well mama doesn't have anyone else" shawn looked down then back up at her bey sighed "Fine she can stay" bey said "thank you" he said then kissed her and then walked away "wait" she followed him upstairs "honey" she walked in the room "yea" he turned and faced her "so uh I was wondering if that offer to have another baby is still open" she asked he smiled at her "of course it is" "Let's start now" she said and he took her to the bed after that they laid in bed together smiling and covered in sweat "wow I can't remember the last time I did that" bey said "Me neither" he said "wanna do it again" she asked "well someone's a little bit in a hurry" he said "but yes" they both went back under the covers.

Later that day kelly called Michelle and bey in a panic she was freaking out Beyonce and Michelle rushed in to see kelly pacing back and Forth "honey what's wrong" Michelle asked "I think I have stalker" kelly said bey and Michelle looked at her confused "what?" Bey asked "a stalker' Michelle asked "look outside" kelly whispered Michelle and bey looked outside and no one was there "honey no ones outside" bey said "well someone was" kelly said "are you sure you're not just seeing things" Michelle asked "no I'm sure" kelly insisted "well you have been a little crazy these last few days" Michelle said "I'm not crazy I'm telling the truth" kelly said her eye twitched "kelly when is the last time you had a good night sleep" bey asked the question that needed to be asked "oh I don't know about a few days" she said "how many days is a few days" Michelle asked "2 or 3" kelly said Michelle and Beyonce worried about her "well maybe you should try to get some sleep" Michelle said "but I can't with a mad man trying to kill me" kelly said and twitched her eye again "I think you're the mad man" Michelle said "anyway hon why haven't you been sleeping" bey asked as the two sat down on the couch "I've been taking care of junior duh" kelly said then laughed "wow I can tell you've been drinking" bey said "no I haven't I promise" kelly said then laughed "lets take her upstairs" Beyonce muttered "why are you whispering" kelly yelled "no reason" Michelle said "Anyway why don't we go upstairs and get some rest" Beyonce said as she took Kelly's hand "but I'm not tired" kelly said rising to her feet. "You need some sleep" Michelle said as the three walked to the stairs "wait stop" kelly said "what" bey said "you guys don't believe me do you" Kelly asked "well" "no we don't" Michelle said "I can't believe this" kelly said with a deep sigh "neither can we" Michelle said "but if you are telling the truth maybe you should talk to the police" bey said "yeah maybe I should" "but can you do us a favor first" bey asked "sure what?" "please get some sleep" bey pleaded "fine I'll try" kelly said with a smile.

Well later that day bey had a doctors appointment since her and Shawn were both on board with having another child they thought they should see a professional. "Mr and Mrs.  Carter" he called them they both looked at each other then walked in the office "so I'm afraid I have some bad news" he said "What kind of bad news" bey asked "well the problem is you're tubes have tied automatically" he said Shawn looked over at bey who was still looking at the doctor "well you could have surgery to untie them if you want to" he suggested "well we may have to talk about this" Shawn chimed in "of course" the doctor nodded.

On the car ride home neither one of them spoke at all until..."Do you really want another child" bey asked "don't you?" Shawn asked "not if I have to have surgery" bey said "babe is it really a big deal" he asked "yea" she said in a duh voice "I mean you would have a fit if I made you get a vasectomy" bey added Shawn had no comment he knew his wife was right about that "we could freeze my eggs" bey suggest "what in the bloody hell is that' he asked "its where you freeze your eggs then put them in you then you get pregnant" she explained "well he said you can't have any more kids we can get someone to do it for us" he said and they both were lost in thought.

Well later that day Shawn went off to work and bey had to check on kelly she wasn't the most stable person in the world at this point. "Hey Kels" bey said as she entered Kelly's house it was a mess baby clothes were everywhere and kelly the woman who is so tidy that she even keeps her grass clean. "Kelly" bey hollered no answer but she saw kelly walking down the steps looking a hot ass mess she was wearing her robe with shorts and tee tank on her hair hasn't looked like it has been combed "hey bey" kelly reached the bottom of the steps "honey have you been sleeping" bey asked nervously "nope" kelly said bluntly "but I'll be alright"she insisted "so I need to talk to you" bey said "okay what's up" kelly fell on the couch and bey slowly sat next to her "well I told you about me and Shawn having another baby right" bey asked "yea I think so" kelly said "okay well I can't get pregnant" "why not you're not old" kelly said "well the only way I can get pregnant is if I have surgery" "have the surgery then" kelly said "I don't want to but we can do something else to have another baby" bey said "what's that" kelly asked as she yawned "well we have to have a surrogate" bey said kelly leaned on beys shoulder "you know what bey" she asked "what kelly" bey said with a laugh "I could carry your baby for you" kelly suggested bey looked at her shocked is this really an offer or is this Kelly's tired talk, bey didn't know if she was serious kelly had just had a baby. "kelly you would really do that" bey asked "of course I would you're my BFF" kelly said bey smiled at her but she couldn't let kelly do it bey didn't know what to do should she take Kelly's offer or wait a while to have a child.

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