Chapter 4: Everything is okay until

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A few weeks later kelly and Evan were in the middle of their divorce. Bey and Shawn were going strong, Michelle and Ron get a little closer while being around Will together.

It was a slow day at the firm so Michelle and Beyonce decide to call up Kelly and go to lunch at their favorite restaurant. "So kelly I have to ask are you really gonna go through with this divorce" Michelle asked "Yes I am I mean it's not like me and Evan were gonna stay married for long anyway besides I love Kenny" kelly answered. "But what does Kenny say about the divorce" Beyonce asked "Well he said it's a good thing I mean it's not like me and Evan were gonna be together that long anyway knowing that I didn't love him" kelly said "Wait you never loved Evan?" Michelle asked "Well of course I did it's just it kinda faded while we were married" kelly replied "So anyway can we stop talking about me" "Okay  fine I told Will about Ron" Michelle said "What!?" bey and kelly exclaimed in unison "What happen?" bey asked "Well at first he was mad then he realized why we did it and it's getting better" Michelle said "So what about you bey" Kelly asked "Well if you must know me and shawn are working things out" bey said "That's nice and?" kelly asked "And what?" Bey asked "What else" Michelle added "nothing we're perfect now" bey said "Yeah right" kelly said sarcastically. "What?" bey asked again "C'mon bey nothing is ever perfect in you're marriage" kelly pointed out "Well at least I'm the only one that can stay married" bey said kelly gasped "How dare you say that" kelly said "What it's true I told you my marriage is fine and it is so just drop it" bey said and Michelle cleared her throat. "Guys we came here to talk not fight" Michelle said "Your right Michelle" bey said "Well I have to go" kelly stood up "What now!" bey asked "It's none of your business anyway" kelly replied "Anyway bye Michelle" kelly looked at Michelle and then turned and left "that little" "Hey!" Michelle interrupted "What I wasn't gonna say anything" Beyonce insisted "Sure you weren't" Michelle said as she took a sip of wine.

Well Kelly left because she had to go to a meeting with her lawyer she walked into his office and took one of the two seats "so what's up" she asked "Well Miss Rowland I have something to tell you" Mr. James said "what is it" kelly asked "well it seems that Evans lawyer has told me that you have had cheated on him is that true because if it is this changes the whole case" he said "Yea I have cheated on Evan" kelly admitted "why is that because you don't seem like the type of women who goes out has affair" Mr. James said to kelly she looked down and sighed "Well you're right Mr. James I'm not that type of woman" kelly said "Then why'd you do it" he asked "because I don't love Evan and I don't think he loved me either" kelly stood up "miss Rowland please calm down" he said kelly sat back in the chair. "So how long can we get this divorce over with" kelly asked changing the subject "Well I'll send you the paperwork in a few weeks but the final divorce papers won't be in for months" he said "okay" kelly nodded "Thank you" she stood up and walked out.

Meanwhile Ron asked Michelle out but she already ate so they watched a movie at her house but they did this without will. "Here you go" Michelle handed him a bowl of popcorn "Thanks" he said she sat next to him "you know this is the first time we have been alone without Will" Michelle said " It's a little strange" Ron said "why" Michelle asked "Because it's not like we're together" Ron confirmed "well is there a reason why you and me aren't back together" Michelle asked "Yeah because I'm with someone else" Ron said "you are" Michelle asked "yeah and I want you to meet her" Ron said "okay you just say when" Michelle said faking a smile later that night Michelle had fallen asleep when the movie was over Ron carried her to her room and put I'm her bed he then afterwards snuck out without waking her up.

Beyonce and kelly were still not really talking so they both went Michelle's apartment but not together."What are you doing here" kelly asked Beyonce as kelly entered the apartment "I tried calling Michelle but no answer so I came over here" Beyonce explained "why are you here" "same" kelly confirmed "Where is she" kelly asked "She's in the shower" bey said "okay then I'll wait" kelly sat on the couch.

Michelle walked out of the shower quickly got dressed and then walked out in the living room to meet her two friends "Hey sorry it took so long" Michelle said "oh it's okay hon" bey assured her "so tell us what happen last night" kelly said "What do you mean" Michelle said "I think you know" "oh well we just watched a movie" Michelle said "That's it" bey frowned "we talked" Michelle stood up "about?" kelly asked " About us and he said he's with someone" Michelle said "oh hon I'm so sorry" bey said "oh it's fine I mean its not like we were gonna get back together anyway" Michelle thought as she sat back in the arm chair. "Are you okay?" kelly asked "yeah" Michelle said "I'm great" Michelle lied she was very sad that Ron had someone in his life but Michelle was hoping that she and him get back together if that could happen.

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