Chapter16 disaster can strike

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Well last chapter Evan and Solange almost got married until she said no we have know idea why she said no but she did and marlon asked kelly to move in with him she said she would think about and so were gonna start this chapter off where we left off last time.

Solange runs out of the building Evan just stands there. Bey, Michelle and kelly all go after her. They go out in the hall "Where The hell did she go" Michelle asked "well if we knew we wouldn't be looking for her now would we" kelly answered   "bey try calling her" bey pulled her phone out of her clutch and called her "hey sis oh I'm just calling to say WHY THE HELL YOU LEFT EVAN AT THE ALTAR" she yelled through the phone "she hung up on me" bey said and angrily put her phone in her clutch "Hey did you find her" Evan walked in "We wouldn't be here if we had found her now would we" kelly said " anyway let's try to find her" bey said they all fanned out they looked everywhere they just couldn't find her anywhere so the wedding was off officially!

The 3 gathered at Kelly's house "Anything yet" kelly asked as Michelle and bey walked in her house "No Not yet" Michelle said "god I just don't get it she was fine" bey said "yeah I wonder what got in to her" Michelle thought they both then looked at Kelly. Kelly nervously smiled "What did you do" bey asked "Nothing I swear" kelly insisted "what did you say to her" Michelle asked "okay okay I said that maybe she may be rushing into things" kelly said "you what?" bey exclaimed "boy If you wasn't pregnant I'd kick your ass" bey added "look I'm sorry I didn't mean for her to leave him" kelly said "she's pregnant" kelly added "who leaves a man when you're 2 months pregnant" then beys phone rang. "Hello solo where are you" bey asked Michelle and Kelly's faces lit up "okay will be there" bey said she quickly hung up her phone "where is she" kelly asked as they both stood up "my house" bey answered they all ran out the door.

Solo was at bey house sitting on the couch with a box of tissues on her lap still in her wedding dress, the girls ran in "sis hey" bey said approaching her Solange looked up at her with a tear stained face "hi" she said softly "sooo" kelly interrupted "so why the hell did you leave" kelly asked "kelly" bey whispered."you wanna know why I left"solo asked "well kinda" kelly answered "the reason I left is because the baby is not Evans" she said "what are you talking about" bey asked "solo are you saying you cheated on Evan" Michelle asked "yeah I didn't find out until recently and I can't lie to Evan" she said "so whose the real father" bey asked "this guy named Daniel I met him right around the time Evan and I got back together I went out and I got drunk then next thing you now boom I got pregnant"she said "well I feel a lot better about myself" kelly said "kelly" bey muttered " you have to tell Evan" Michelle said, Solange wiped her tears away and stood up "you're right" she said "maybe not today though" kelly added "why not" Solange asked "because you left him" Michelle said "yeah hon why don't you rest today" bey said Solange nodded and bey led her upstairs.

The next day bey did not go to work she stayed with her sister while Solange was sleeping she crept downstairs."hey babe" bey said as she saw Shawn drinking coffee "hey" he said back "How is she?" he asked "better" bey responded "but I don't want to talk about that lets talk about us" bey said as he sat on his lap. "What about us" he asked " are we okay" bey asked "yeah we're great" he smiled at her "if we wasn't okay I wouldn't let you sit on my lap" he said "so I heard your grandmothers funeral is next week" bey hinted "And?" he asked "are you gonna go" bey asked "I don't know" he said "what do you mean you don't know" bey exclaimed " I mean I don't know if I wanna go" he said then moved bey off of his lap "I mean its just I don't think I can"he said "its a funeral" bey said "look you wouldn't understand okay" he said then walked away bey sighed she really didn't feel like going after him.

So later that day Solange went to talk to Evan, he opened the door when he saw it was her he didn't say anything just groaned "nice to see you too" she said forcing a smile "what do you want" he asked "we need to talk" she said as she walked into the house "it's about the baby" she added "what is something wrong" he asked very concerned "yeah something is wrong uh I just wish I had told you sooner but the baby's not yours" Solange said Evan didn't respond just looked at her in shock he kinda had a déjà vu moment going on but he still couldn't speak "say something" she demanded "why didn't you tell me" he asked surprisingly calm "I don't know" she said then stood up Evan sighed "thanks for telling me" he said "thats all you're gonna say" she asked "yea" he nodded "okay then bye" she headed for the door. "later" he said and he walked out.

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