Chapter18 He's finally here

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Okay last time kelly went into labor and was being forced to wait but now its time.

"I think we're ready" Tina said as walked to end of the bed and pushed open the blanket "what do you mean we" kelly exclaimed Tina didn't say anything she didn't want to cause kelly any distress right now.

"okay on my count" she said "one... two...three" she counted kelly pushed as hard as she could "AHHH GOD!!" Kelly screamed "okay rest" Tina instructed kelly then groaned in pain Beyonce wiped Kelly's forehead with a rag and kelly snatched it out of beys hand and threw it almost hitting Solange.

"okay" mama Tina said kelly braced herself and got ready to push, Tina counted down kelly then screamed louder and louder as she pushed "she's crowning" Tina said "now lay back" kelly fell on the pillow "you're doing great kelly" Tina said kelly didn't respond she just panted "kelly don't worry it'll be okay" Angie chimed in "oh please I'm so tired of everyone telling me it will be okay" kelly exclaimed "well I was just trying to" "shut up" kelly interrupted "but I" "Angie don't say anything else" bey said Angie didn't say anything after that "okay ready" Tina said she counted down kelly screamed and yelled and cursed "DAMN IT I'M NEVER HAVING CHILDREN EVER AGAIN" she yelled "I see the head" Tina said and smiled kelly pushed again and again each time she cursed even louder "wait stop" Tina said "what?" kelly asked "Don't push" Tina said "mom what's happening" bey asked "The umbilical cord is wrapped around it's neck tight" Tina said "so what do you need me to do" kelly asked "nothing just keep breathing okay and try not move as much" Tina said kelly nodded and began breathing rapidly "Aunt Tina" kelly asked between breaths "yes" "can you save my baby" she asked Tina put one hand on Kelly's knee. "I'll try my best I promise" Tina said "Thank  you" kelly said with a slight smile she was drenched in sweat her hair was also sweaty and her make up was running not so hot. "I'm sorry" Solange said kelly sat up a little and looked at her "What the hell for" kelly asked "for uh making you stress out" Solange said. "Oh solo it wasn't you're fault I mean I haven't been the nicest person in the world lately" kelly said "you got that right" Beyonce and Michelle said in unison "Well you have a reason I mean from what I've heard labor is not the easiest thing in the world to go through" Solange added

"well duh" kelly said "And you're forgiven" kelly added

"Now shut up so I can concentrate on breathing" kelly said. Solange didn't get mad she just smiled at her. "Mom anything?" bey asked "almost done" Tina spoke looking down at the baby "Do you think my baby will love me" kelly asked "of course it will why would it not" Michelle asked "I don't know it's just I've never really thought of becoming a mom" kelly said " the baby will love you" bey said "just as much as we do" Michelle said "why do you always have to be mushy" kelly asked looking at Michelle, Michelle looked puzzled at her. "okay it's done now we can continue" Tina said "Ready" kelly nodded and sat up slowly, bey counted down and kelly pushed hard as her body could " YOU HAVE TO COME OUT!" she yelled as bey wiped her forehead, kelly pushed and pushed then stopped they all looked at her "I can't do this anymore" kelly cried "Yes you can we're all here for you" bey said "No I can't it's too hard" kelly said "Kelly you can do it I believe in you" kelly looked into beys eyes bey knew kelly could do it. kelly groaned and then nodded at Tina it was time kelly continued pushing her body ached but she didn't care "AHHH!" she yelled this time as loud as she could. The baby was here as it came out it cried and cried "It's here" Tina announced and Kelly sighed of relief and happiness. Tina stood up with the baby in her arms it was all bloody Tina walked to the bathroom with it "where is she taking it" kelly asked "she needs to clean it" bey assured Kelly. Tina came back the baby was wrapped in a towel "kelly I would like you to meet you're son" Tina handed kelly him "oh wow aren't you beautiful" she said the baby cooed they all gathered around kelly and her son "I bet I look a mess" kelly said she did actually but no one actually cared "oh you look fine" bey said "so what are gonna name him" Tina asked "well Kenny and I talked about this when he was alive and I'm gonna name him Kenny Junior" kelly said they smiled at her "That's sweet" Angie said "welcome to the world baby Kenny Junior" she smiled down at the him he smiled back "Can you guys believe it I'm a mom" she added "I knew you could do it" bey said and put her arm around kelly and smiled "Hey look the storm is letting up" Angie looked out the window the sun was shining "Should we take him to the hospital" kelly asked "You know just to make sure he's okay" "I think that's a great idea" Tina took Junior down stairs to get him all ready while Michelle and Beyonce helped kelly get dressed and stuff "let's go" kelly said then they walked downstairs and to the hospital.

They checked in, Kelly filled out his birth certificate while Junior was in the back being looked at to see if anything is wrong with him, kelly then got really worried and started pacing back and forth "kels what's wrong" bey asked "I'm just worried what if they say something's wrong with him" kelly said " It will be fine" bey assured her "I hope so" kelly sighed "but what if he has some kind of disease like cancer and can never be cured" kelly said "kelly sweetie look at me take a deep breath" bey said kelly inhaled and exhaled as did Beyonce "now sit and relax. you did just have a baby" kelly sat in the chair with Beyonce holding her hand "hello are one of you Junior's mom" the doctor asked all of them stood up "I am uh is he gonna be okay" kelly asked "of course he is" he said kelly sighed of relief "you can take him home now" he said kelly followed him to pick up Junior.

Later that day Angie left as did Solange but Michelle, Beyonce and Tina stayed with kelly and Junior for while."okay he's asleep" kelly said as she walked down the stairs "oh okay we're gonna go now" bey said as they all stood up "oh okay" kelly said "if you want us to stay longer we will" Tina said "No it's fine you guys can go I'm gonna go lay down anyway" she said "Okay I'll stop bye tomorrow okay" beys said then kissed her cheek  "me too" Michele said "Hey guys" kelly asked they all turned around "Thank you for being here for me" kelly said they all smiled at her "We wouldn't miss it for the world" bey said then left.

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