Chapter 21

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Kelly was feeling much better since what happen Marlon has moved in with her. Sean wants to still have another baby but Beyonce still thinks its a bad idea but her mind will be changed.

Kelly as on the couch breast feeding junior.

Marlon walks in

Marlon: whoa put those things away

Kelly: its not like you haven't seen them before

Marlon: true

Kelly: look I've made a big decision

Marlon: what's up

He sat on the couch

Kelly: well I've been thinking about what you said and I'm gonna keep junior with us.. Kenny would've wanted me to

Marlon: babe thats great

He kissed her cheek.

Marlon: well I have to get to work

Kelly: okay um are you gonna be home late

Marlon: I don't know why?

Kelly: just call me if you are.

Marlon nodded and headed for the door.

Meanwhile bey was very excited but then again a little nervous about this she had to do it though.

She took a pregnancy test the results were in.

She sighed and picked up the stick.

Bey: oh my god, Sean Sean!!

And there came running to the bathroom

Sean: what's going on

Bey: look

She pointed the stick at him

Sean: were having a baby

Bey: I don't know is this good news or bad news

Sean: wrong this is great

Bey: I love you so much

They hug each other

Bey: I gotta go I'll be back

Sean: where are you going

Bey: to tell the girls bye

Beyonce heads out the house

Beyonce goes over to Kelly's house there kelly is feeding junior

Bey: guess what I have great news

Kelly: okay sit down wait let me put junior in his play pen

Bey sits in the arm chair, kelly puts her son in the play pen

Kelly: okay what's up

Bey:I'm pregnant

Kelly: what oh I'm so happy for you honey

Bey: thanks I can't wait

Kelly: I thought you didn't want another baby

Bey:well there's no going back now is there

Kelly: I believe you'll be a good mother

Bey: really you think so?

Kelly: of course

Bey: oh I hope so

Kelly:you will

Bey: so what's going on with you?

Kelly: nothing just nothing

Bey: what's wrong?

Bey sat next to kelly

Kelly: its just everyone else has things happening in there life but me I can't believe I'm saying this but my life is too perfect

Bey: and that is a problem for you

Kelly: well yeah I've always been the one up to new and exciting things and I'm in a rut I mean besides getting married nothing in my life is fun anymore

Bey: kelly getting married is fun

Kelly:yeah but it's so boring

Bey:well then why don't you me and Michelle go out tonight

Kelly:you can't drink though

Bey: I can still have fun even without drinking

Kelly:not really

beyonce: kelly

Kelly:what you can't

beyonce:then how about we go out to dinner tonight

Kelly:fine I guess that'll work

Beyonce:good well I'm gonna go

Kelly: okay I'll see you later then

Beyonce stands up and leaves. Kelly sighs

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