Mortal Instruments Malec Fanfiction

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A shrill scream pierced the night air. "Magnus!' The warlock whirled around looking down the path he had came from. Again a scream of agony escaped from Alec's mouth as Maureen fed. Magnus turn and sprinted as if hell hounds were after him. He couldn't even feel the bleeding stab wound in his side, as it tore open in his haste.

"Alexander! I'm coming!"

As he turned the corner his worst nightmare became reality. Alec lay writhing on the ground as Maureen drained the life from his body. Magnus shot a bolt of light at the vampire burning her skin. She shrieked in pain and backed away from the body. Rage filled Magnus as he crouched protectively over the body of the boy he loved, his gold cat eyes flashing. The vampire hissed in reproach but backed away into the shadows, not willing to risk a battle with a warlock. When Magnus was sure she had fled, he knelt down beside Alec. Never had he seen him so still and motionless. His wrists were slit and blood spouted from a wound in his neck. Ripping off his shirt the warlock quickly bandaged Alec's wrists and neck though the fabric was quickly turning from white to red. Magnus smiled behind his tears, looking on at his love's still face.

Through his own sobs he felt a faint thumping in Alec's chest. Magnus intertwined his fingers with Alec's. Ironic that before Magnus had always needed Alec's strength and now it was Alec who needed his. Light poured from Magnus into Alec. Quickly, he grabbed Alec's stele and scrawled a powerful healing rune on Alec's bloody torso. Magnus slid his hand around Alec's back and supported him up. For what seemed like hours Magnus simply laid there with him slowly caressing his lean body, whispering incantations, anything that could help him.

"Please Alexander please. Don't leave me. I love you, more than anything." He then rested his head on Alec's chest even though it was caked in blood. He kissed Alec's mouth softly, and then harder, pleading him to come back to him. His fingers ran through Alec's hair holding him close, rocking him gently. There was a slight breath that echoed through Alec's struggling lungs.

"Only true love's kiss, Alexander," whispered Magnus with a slight laugh. A faint smile brushed across Alec's face and he returned the kiss.

"But you left. I thought you wouldn't come for me." Alec wheezed. Magnus's eyes showed his response. He then lifted Alec into the air and carried him across the filthy, blood soaked ground, away from Alec's would-be grave.

He limped back to his apartment, the survivor and the rescuer. Laying him gently on the kitchen table, Magnus quickly gathered supplies. Changing bandages on Alec's wrists made his wary heart skip a beat. As soon as the bandages came off blood pored from the vampire's incisions and a slight groan slipped through Alec's lips. Magnus quickly stifled the groan with his own lips. He recovered the wounds with fresh bandages and reached for his spellbook. Chanting softly he did everything he could, every spell he knew, just to try and save him. There was one last thing he could try. He grabbed Alec's knife from his belt and smoothly slit his own arm. The blood dripped down onto one of the cuts on Alec's wrist. The blood swirled and bubbled, becoming one. He then said the final words to the spell and the blood seeped into the cut and sealed. Magnus then collapsed next to Alec, panting, knowing he did all he could do.
He stared at Alec begging him silently to open his eyes.

Suddenly Alec's back arched up and he eyes opened wide. His veins became visible from the glowing blood coursing through them. Knowing it was a risk he had to take to save him, Magnus stepped back, waiting to see the outcome. Alec turned to him and whispered "Thank you." He tried to step towards Magnus but stumbled. With quick reflexes Magnus stepped in and caught him. Looking into Alec's new eyes, he wrapped his tired arms around him and pulled him in, interlocking themselves together.

They lay on the floor for hours, taking comfort in each other's embrace. The tragedy that would have been losing Alec was averted. 'But at what cost?' Magnus murmured to himself. Consuming warlock blood had strange affects on the drinker. Vampires normally couldn't survive it and humans changed but not usually for the better. But a shadow hunter? There hadn't been an account of that in centuries. Magnus, honestly, was not sure what he had done to change Alec.

When they finally had regained their strength, they stood and untangled their limbs from each other. Warily Magnus watched his boyfriend stand and gain his bearings.

"Your eyes!!" Magnus gasped in surprise.

"What!?" Exclaimed Alec nervously. "What's wrong with them?"

Alec's eyes now mirrored Magnus's gold cat eyes except for one difference.

"They're like mine. Except blue instead of gold."

Alec had bright blue cat eyes. Cat eyes were an unusual warlock marking but blue was all but unheard of. Alec ran to the bathroom and a small shriek of surprise echoed down the hall.

"Why are they like this? Why did they change? What happened to them?" Frantic, Alec stammered question after question. Magnus grabbed him and held him close, murmuring soothing words to calm the worried shadow hunter. After Alec had calmed down, Magnus released him and stepped back, watching.

Alec had always been athletic. Raised a shadow hunter, his body and mind were conditioned for battle. But now he held himself with a new grace. His cat eyes flashed as he stared around, taking in his surroundings. As Magnus watched, blue energy flickered over Alec. Running along his knuckles, buzzing through his hair, crackling and filling the air, responding to Alec's emotions.

Magnus's mouth dropped open. Magic. His shadow hunter had magic. But how?

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Alec demanded.

"Just calm down Alec. No need to get upset." Magnus knew how destructive a newly made warlock was. Without knowing the true extent of their powers, they tended to let their emotions get the best of them. Magnus knew a warlock who had once accidentally leveled a town when he was threatened.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine!" Alec's voice rose in pitch and the energy increased and became agitated, throwing sparks around Alec.

"Seriously babe, you need to chill." Magnus chuckled nervously. "It appears that my saving-you-technique may have some unintended consequences.

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