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Alec's mouth dropped. He hadn't even considered the possible effects, let alone one as serious as immortality. His mind was spinning, he couldn't even think.

"We will deal with that later." Magnus dismissed the idea. "The more important thing is dealing with other people. Damage control you could say. So the person I think we should tell first is Jace because he probably felt it through your parabati rune anyway."

"Sure I guess." Alec snapped back to reality when he realized what could happen. "But what about the clave and my parents? What if this makes me an out cast? They could strip my runes, banish me from-"

"Alec," Magnus caught his hand and held it tight. "They won't, I will take care of you. "

Alec visibly relaxed and leaned against the warlock for support. Magnus pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Jace.

'Meet me at my place ASAP, come alone. It's about Alec.' The text message read. Magnus buzzed the door to let Jace in immediately when he got there.

"And now we wait," Magnus murmured to his boyfriend.

They didn't have to wait long though, as 6 minutes later there came a furious pounding at the door. Alec backed away into the kitchen, out of view from the front door. He was afraid of what Jace would do, of what Jace would think. Better to let Magnus do the talking. Magnus stood up straightened his rumpled blazer and strode to the door.

"Open up Magnus, it's m-" Jace was interrupted from the opening of the door.

"Where is he? Is he hurt? The parabati rune, something is wrong, it feels chang-" Jace's eyes flashed as he looked around the apartment for his brother. His body was tense, high alert, ready to spring into action if action was needed.

"Here, no, and yes, something has changed." Magnus answered the questions quickly and efficiently.

"Want to expand on that? First of all I need to see him, where is he?"

"You can't see him not yet, you need to know something." Magnus replied.

"What?" Jace's voice was thick with tension and concern.

"You need to listen, and not interrupt, till I'm done. Can you do that?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, fine, get on with it."

"Last night, Alec was attacked."

Jace hissed, his eyes shining with venom at the prospect of his parabati being attacked without him being there. Magnus shot him a warning glance and Jace fell silent again.

"Alec was attacked by the vampire Maureen. She has become immensely powerful, I believe she has become head of the vampire clan. She overpowered Alec and I found him close to death. I fought Maureen off and brought Alec back. He had terrible wounds, his wrists were slit and the bitch, she had been feeding-" Magnus's voice broke and then restarted. "She had been feeding on Alec, so there was a puncture wound on his neck."

At this point, Jace swore and punched the wall, putting a hole through it. His breathing was labored and uneven, and his eyes were murderous. Magnus just stared him down, and then Jace lowered his head, winced, and shook out his hand.

"I brought him back to the apartment. I tried every spell, rune I know to bring him back. He had lost a lot of blood. He was teetering on the edge as it was. So I did what I had to do to save him." Magnus matched Jace's gaze evenly. "I bled into Alec. I gave him warlock blood so he would survive. Now before you ask, I don't know what this means. I don't know the side affects of mixing shadow hunter with warlock. The only thing I know right now, is Alec appears to be able to use magic, though he isn't skilled yet, and runes still work on him."

After Magnus had said this, Alec stepped out of the kitchen to face Jace. He worried what he would see on Jace's face. Disgust? Repulsion? Before Alec could even read Jace's expression, he was caught in a bear hug, as Jace, relieved with eyes shining with never-to-be-shed tears, held his only brother.

"Thank the angel you are all right. That bitch is gonna pay." Jace's voice was husky with emotion. He pulled his brother back to an arms length and looked at him.

"Cool eyes." Was all Jace has to say.

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