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The Lightwood family sat in the library, silent. Then Magnus opened his mouth, and everyone erupted.

"When like now-"

"You said 2 days it's been 2-"

"How are you planning-"

"Just gonna break in-"

"Are you insane-"

Magnus waited until everyone had quieted down and said "So the plan is-"

He was cut short by the phone ringing. He swept towards the desk and read that the phone's caller ID was private. He picked it up gingerly.

"May I ask who is speaking?" A deep, smooth male voice questioned through the phone.

"May I ask the same thing?" Magnus retorted.

"My name is Ky Blackwood and I can't tell you any more until I know who you are."

"Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn."

"So your Magnus. It's about Alec."

Magnus's hackles rose. How did this stranger know him? 'And,' he thought, 'This stranger doesn't get to call Alexander Alec.'

"Is he okay?" Magnus asked tensely.

"Define okay. He's alive but we need to get him out soon before the Clave begins to take more drastic measures. If you portal outside the gates, I can sneak you, but after that you are pretty much on your own, I can try to run interference and make sure you don't run into anyone you can't handle. But Alec needs to get out." Ky said urgently.

Magnus hated this 'Ky' more and more as he went on. "And why should I trust you?"

"Because I'm the best chance you have at Alec. And I don't want to see him hurt more or dead." Ky added the last part quickly.

Magnus didn't trust him at all, but he was right, he was the best chance they had. "I'm bringing Jace, Alec's brother. Portal will open at 9 pm. Don't be late." He hung up the phone with a bang.

"Alright change of plans. Jace, you are with me. We are leaving at 9. Be ready."

Alec sat in his cell block, bored out of his mind. He tried not to move because if he moved then he would probably open up a new wound. He wasn't even sure what hurt and what didn't anymore. The lighting was bad so he couldn't see very clearly. He hadn't had any solid food for days, only water and broth, and the occasional apple from Ky, so he was weak from hunger.

He was the only person on this level and quite frankly wished he was back with the terrible scientist woman or Ky because at least then he had something to focus on besides the dull ache of pain spreading through his entire body or the hunger or the homesickness or the absolute blankness of his existence.

"God now I'm just feeling sorry for myself." He mumbled to the wall.

He ran his scabbed hands through his greasy hair. "Oh yeah and I smell. Would it kill them to let me shower? I mean I'm a shadow hunter, I've grown up in this place. And now I'm having conversations with the wall. Great."

He missed his family terribly. Magnus and Jace and Isabelle and even Clary. 'How are they getting on?' he thought. 'God this place is a hell hole. It's just different types of pain mixed together.'

He closed his eyes and did the one thing that kept him sane. He thought about his family.

Isabelle, with her bad ass exterior, that masked a loving, caring sister. People who knew her understood that there are few things that could stop Isabelle Lightwood.

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